July 1917
July 7th 1917: SOUTHAMPTON BOATS – We understand that on and from Monday next the Southampton and I.W. Steampacket Company’s boats will again call at Ryde, and although the service will necessarily be limited, the concession is one that will be greatly appreciated by the travelling public.
July 7th 1917: ENTERTAINED – The wounded soldiers at the Castle and Hazelwood Red Cross Hospitals, and from Quarr, were invited to a garden party in the charming grounds of Mr and Mrs O. P. LETCHWORTH, at Seaford Lodge, St. Thomas’s Street. The party numbered about 125, and motor cars and other conveyances were placed at the disposal of those who were unable to make the journey on foot.
July 7th 1917: EDUCATION COMMITTEE – Miss Elsie M. RYALL, an assistant teacher at the St. John’s Road School, wrote resigning her appointment from the 20th July, owing to her approaching marriage. Miss RYALL had been in her present position some three or four years, and during that whole time she has given complete satisfaction in the way she has discharged her duties, a most capable and efficient teacher.
July 7th 1917: MILITARY TRIBUNAL – William BROOKER, 40, married, C1, was stated to be a member of the Ryde Lifeboat crew and was doing general work at the Castle Red Cross Hospital. He was invalided out of the Royal Naval Reserves as being totally unfit. If BROOKER was not fit for the Navy in 1899 it was hardly likely that he was fit for service now. The Tribunal were of the opinion that the man was doing work of national importance and granted conditional exemption.
July 14th 1917: BOWLING – On Saturday afternoon a match took place on the Eastern Esplanade between members of the local club and officers of the Worcestershire Regiment. Two rinks were played each being won by the Club by a good margin.
July 14th 1917: MERIT STARS – The Mayor (Mr John I. BARTON) carried out a very pleasing duty in presenting merit stars to the Special Constables, whose gratuitous services have been and continue to be the greatest assistance to those of the regular force who have not been called up for military duty.
July 14th 1917: SUMMER SEASON CONCERTS – These concerts will be started on Monday next in the Western Esplanade Gardens when the Hanway Strollers will make their re-appearance with an up-to-date programme of vocal and other items, and continue their performances weekly. On Thursday, the fine band of the R.M.A will play from 7.30 to 9.15, and again on Sunday from 8 to 9.15 p.m.
July 14th 1917: SUNDAY SCHOOL OUTING – The children attending the Albert Street Sunday School and the weekly mission service had their annual outing on Thursday. Owing to food restrictions the usual tea had to be dispensed with. The children numbering about 100, met in a field in Ashey Road, kindly lent by Mr Cyril MINTER, where races, swings, cricket, etc., were indulged in until well after sunset.
July 14th 1917: WATER – One is reminded that in days gone by householders and others who had not private wells had to depend on the public wells in various parts of the town. That not a few of the former are still in use though not for domestic purposes. People who are inclined to be wasteful owing or want of thought or carelessness with the Corporation water will do well to ponder over the trouble and labour which the former consumers experienced.
July 21st 1917: POUND DAY – All friends of the Hospital are earnestly requested to contribute for its benefit, and bring at least: 1lb of Tea, Coffee, Cocoa, Sugar, Marmalade, Brand’s or Valentine’s Essence, Bacon, Rice, Quaker Oats, Cheese, Flour, Dried and Bottled Fruits, Soaps (of every kind), Potatoes and other Vegetables, etc. Also, gifts of Gold, Silver, or Coppers. Articles that will keep best are most useful.
July 21st 1917: ON DISPLAY – A photographic group of the Mayor and Corporation of Ryde, dated 1887, is on view in one of the windows of the I.W. Observer office. Of the twenty-three included in the group the great majority have gone to that bourn from which no traveller returns.