Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
  • MENU

July 1919

Isle of Wight Observer:

July 5th 1919:  CHURCH ARMY HUT – The collection taken at the Theatre Royal, on the occasion of the film lecture, “Snapshots which tell,” in aid of the Ryde Recreation centre at Cologne, amounted to £24. 12s. 6d.  At a subsequent committee meeting, it was decided to use efforts to maintain the centre until the end of 1919.

July 5th 1919:  FOR WAR SERVICE – The County Director (B. O. COCHRANE Esq.), has presented to the men of the Ryde detachment of the Red Cross who have done continuous duty at Hazelwood, walking sticks with silver mounts engraved with their names and “Hazelwood 1914-18.”

July 5th 1919:  PEACE DEMONSTRATION – The news of the signing of Peace was received in Ryde with every sign of satisfaction, and guns from Portsmouth and the syrens from the ships, etc., as well as detonators placed on the tram rails on the Pier, where flags were quickly hoisted, confirmed the glad tidings. A merry peal rang out from All Saints’ Church and bunting was freely displayed in High Street and Union Street, the Esplanade and other parts of the town.

July 5th 1919:  RYDE CORINTHIAN SAILING CLUB – The wind had been very strong for small boat sailing for some time and in Saturday’s race though a good start was made the boats took in so much water that the race had to be abandoned after the second time around.

July 5th 1919:  EX-SERVICE MEN’S TREAT – Thanks to the efforts of the St. John’s, Oakfield, C.E.M.S., discharged soldiers and sailors residing in the parish, with their wives and sweethearts, numbering between 250 and 300, were entertained to a concert, etc., on Thursday evening in the beautiful grounds of St. John’s House, kindly placed at their disposal by the Rev. T. J. PUCKLE. the file of Rev Puckle is here

July 12th 1919:  CIRCUS – Mr. Fred GINNETT has asked us to mention that he is not connected with any other Circus now touring the Island and that his well-known Circus will appear only on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, the 17th, 18th, and 19th.  A special visit of his Royal Circus and International Wild West Show will be at Blake’s Meadow, Rink road.  One of the largest travelling tented exhibitions that has toured this country, including equestrianism, and wonderful galaxy of western cowboy and cowgirl life.

July 12th 1919:  VAN OVERTURNED – Some commotion was caused in High Street at the corner of Garfield road about 5 o’clock on Saturday afternoon by a runaway horse attached to a carriers van laden with goods, belonging to Messrs WATSON Bros.  The horse was stopped before any serious damage was done, but the shafts were broken and the van turned over on to its side.  The driver escaped injury.

July 12th 1919:  JUVENILE PERFORMER – Application was made at the police court for a license for a juvenile performer at the Western Esplanade Gardens in connection with the concert party.  The girl was 11½ years of age and described as a toe dancer.

July 12th 1919:  CRICKET – Saturday at Partlands proved another enjoyable day for the onlookers who saw some good cricket, and another win for the home side, as, although the wicket favoured the bowlers and scoring was low, the fight for runs was well worth watching.

July 19th 1919:  GRAND OPERA – The Alexandra Grand Opera Co., are paying a visit to the Town Hall for six nights and two matinees on July 28th.  This is a newly formed combination, with principals, chorus, and orchestra selected from the various English opera companies.

July 19th 1919:  SEAPLANE TRIPS – Considerable interest was displayed yesterday afternoon in the appearance of an Avro seaplane, which was moored off the Pierhead for the purpose of starting a series of short flights.  Passengers are conveyed by boat to the machine and there is a ladder running to the seat side of the plane.  A fee of 30s. is charged for a trip and passengers can book their seats at the I.W. Times Office.