July 1921
Isle of Wight Observer:
July 2nd 1921: SPORTS CARNIVAL – It has definitely been decided to hold the Annual Sports Carnival, Confetti Battle and Dancing promoted by the Ryde Sports Club on September 1st. The Carnival procession will start from the Front and it is hoped some twenty to thirty Decorated Cars, Motors, etc., will assemble and proceed to Partlands, which will be illuminated for dancing.
July 2nd 1921: OLD LANDMARK TO BE REMOVED – Opposition was offered at the recent County Licensing meeting as to the 6-day license of the Melville Inn, Ryde. The committee had stated that Ryde was already over-blessed with licensed houses the population being one to every 148 of the population. The Melville Inn had been licensed since 1854, which did a good working-class trade, but there was no accommodation for visitors. The Chief constable stated that in his opinion the house was not necessary. The committee decided by a majority not to renew the license.
July 2nd 1921: DANCES – In connection with the weekly outdoor dances on the Eastern Promenade on Wednesday evenings there has been a slight protest made against the public not being admitted within the enclosure unless they pay.
July 2nd 1921: FORETOLD – By the way a bronzed, white-whiskered South Coast fisherman has been explaining why we need not expect any break in the fine weather until September, because the sun crossed the line on June 21st it and the wind were moving in the same direction.
July 2nd 1921: NIGHTINGALES – Mr. YELLAND informs us that the Marquis of Taverstock has released 5 pairs of Pekin Nightingales in the Binstead district with the hope of propagating this species of bird in the Island. It is hoped that sportsmen will refrain from shooting strange birds they may see in the district.
July 9th 1921: FETE – At the fete at Appley Hall meadow, amongst many other events, prizes were given in the beauty show for boys and girls, also adults, and there was a baby show and decorated pram competition, all of which attracted much interest and excitement.
July 9th 1921: PRIZE DISTRIBUTION – The Mayor (Alderman A. ANDREWS J.P., C.C.) arrived on the ground to distribute the flower show awards and was cordially greeted. He remarked that although it was outside one’s borough it gave him great pleasure to respond to the invitation and to show great interest and sympathy in the Women’s Institute.
July 16th 1921: A LONG RECORD – It is an interesting fact that the Hotel Victoria (late Victoria Chambers) has been under the same management for the last 30 years, and is still carried on by Mrs. DIXON, whose long experience is unrivalled in catering for visitors.
July 16th 1921: AUCTIONS ROOMS – Messrs. CHANDLER and Co., Anglesea Street, have opened the Auctions Rooms at 103 High-street, where sales will take place and they are open daily for the receipt of household goods, furniture, general effects, and trade stocks.
July 16th 1921: COVER – The awning placed over the bandstand in the Eastern Gardens is very acceptable to the orchestra and an extension is being made when required for the “kind friends in front.”
July 23rd 1921: QUARR ABBEY – The Benediction of the new Abbot the Right Dom German Cozian recently elected and confirmed in his election by the Holy Sec, took place on Thursday last the 14th. The ceremony which closely resembles that prescribed for the consecration of a Bishop was performed by the Bishop of Portsmouth (Dr W. T. COTTER).
July 30th 1921: WESTERN PAVILION – “The Moonstones” have established themselves great favourites in Ryde and recently a crowded house welcomed an entirely new musical sketch by the company.