June 1859
Isle of Wight Observer
4th June 1859: ENTERTAINMENT – Sam COWELL, this inimitable comic vocalist from the Metropolitan Musical Saloons, gave an entertainment at the Victoria Rooms on Wednesday evening last. We need not say that the performances were but well attended and rapturously applauded.
4th June 1859: ADVERTISEMENT – SULTANA CREAM. For Restoring and Promoting the growth of the hair, and improving its natural oils and appearance. Prepared only by J. FRANK and Co., Wholesale Perfumers. Sold by Mr. WOODWARD, chemist, George-street, Ryde, Mr. WAYLAND, Arcade, Ryde, and by all respected druggists.
June 11th 1859: FASHIONABLE INTELLIGENCE – The Dowager Lady CREWE and family have arrived at Broughton House, Strand; Mr. and Mrs. Sloane STANLEY have taken Sorrento Lodge, Strand for a few weeks; Capt. James E. KATON is appointed to command of the Edgar, 91 guns, at Sheerness, such popular officers as these will soon “man the Navy.”
June 11th 1859: FOLLY OF THE COMMISSIONERS – It really seems as if our sapient governors (or rather some of them) do not know how to fool away money fast enough, Upon the Esplanade at the present time may be seen an excavation of large dimensions for the purpose of forming a salt water tank for which water is to be pumped into carts for watering the streets. Every one will admit the utility for watering the streets, but surely it could be done more economically by backing the carts into the sea at high tide. This is another more of the “practical” school, from which such great things are expected.
June 18th 1859: SOIREE – A fashionable soiree took place at the Masonic Hall on Wednesday, but the attendance on this occasion was unusually small. The musical arrangement was under the management of Mr. Jones.
June 18th 1859: SHOPS – The shopkeepers of Ryde have announced to the public that they intend to close their shops on the anniversary of the Queen’s Coronation.
June 18th 1859: MILITARY MUSIC – The band of the Royal Wiltshire Militia, on its way to and from the Agricultural Show on Wednesday, played through the principal streets and in front of the Eagle Hotel, which quite enlivened the town. The circumstance brought to mind the neglect of the tradespeople to provide a town band.
June 18th 1859: THE PIER – It will be seen by an advertisement in today’s Observer, that the preliminary steps are being taken for carrying out the contemplated improvements upon the Pier, which when finished, will form the most complete and delightful marine promenade in the kingdom.
June 18th 1859: FASHIONABLE INTELLIGENCE – Sir Augustus and Lady Elizabeth CLIFFORD have left Westfield on Tuesday for Brighton for a month; The Baroness de GOLDSMID has taken Westfield for five weeks; The Countess METAXA entertained a large and fashionable party at dinner on Tuesday evening.
June 25th 1859: LETTER TO THE EDITOR – I venture to point out the great blot to your streets. I allude to the extraordinary number of trap-doors, gratings to admit light to the underground cellars, and the circular holes for the passage of coals, to be found in all your principal thoroughfares. Perhaps the inhabitants do not notice the inconvenience of these things.
Your obedient servant….A NERVOUS VISITOR.
June 25th 1859: PHOTOGRAPH AND MUSKETRY – A series of interesting and valuable experiments have been made during the last few days by Lieutenant WALKER of 79th Highlanders, of the School of Musketry Staff, Hythe, in the application of the photographic art to the science of Musketry, with the view of obtaining an exact copy of the target practice.