June 1862
Isle of Wight Observer
Jun 7th 1862: CORONATION HOLIDAY – We understand that it is the wish of Her Majesty that the celebration of the anniversary of her coronation amongst her Isle of Wight lieges should be observed as usual this year. It has been suggested to us that Monday the 30th inst. will be the most appropriate day for that purpose.
Jun 14th 1862: CHRISTY’S MINSTRELS – The amusing “gentlemen of colour”gave a morning and evening performance at the Victoria-rooms on Wednesday. There were about 60 present at the morning performance: in the evening the hall was crowded. The entertainment passed off very well indeed.
Jun 14th 1862: VERY USEFUL ARTICLE – The old tap with wooden casing, lately in existence under the shadow of the Esplanade lamp-post, has been removed, and has been succeeded by a cast iron one which, we trust, will prove as useful as it is ornamental. A large enamelled cup is attached to it by means of a strong chain. It presents a very neat and respectable appearance.
Jun 14th 1862: SCHOLASTIC – The Government Inspector intends examining the scholars of the Trinity National Schools on Wednesday next, and those of the Ryde National Schools, Green-street, on the next day, Thursday.
Jun 14th 1862: EXCURSIONISTS – The “queen of watering places” Brighton, emptied itself of almost its entire working population. About 2000 left Brighton early by a train chartered for their special use and made its way to Portsmouth. A great number crossed the Solent and paid us a visit. After dining at the Green Dragon they proceeded to their rendezvous, the Victoria-rooms. The Band did discourse most eloquent music, polkers, waltzes, quadrilles and flings were indulged in.
Jun 14th 1862: SUNDAY-SCHOOL TREAT – Three vans laden with teachers and scholars of the Independent Sunday school left Ryde for Nunwell with the intention of having a day’s amusement and recreation. All went “happy as a marriage bell” until a smart shower descended, causing them to to take shelter in Mr. BROOK’s barn.
Jun 21st 1862: OPEN AIR PREACHING – Last Sunday evening, one of the Plymouth Brethren, following the example of the Bible Christians and Particular Baptists, held a service under the lamp-post on the Esplanade.
Jun 28th 1862: A DIP IN THE OCEAN – Every evening during the past week (Sunday, of course, excepted) the new bathing platform has been crowded; but why is the door kept locked? Is every one supposed to clamber over the door. Where is the man to take charge and let the towels, talked of at one time? Surely some poor fellow could be found to undertake that duty.
Jun 28th 1862: SEXTON, A WORD WITH THEE – Complaints have been made to us by persons in all walks of life that they find a great difficulty in obtaining admission to the cemetery. It is a public place and should be open to the public, and not viewing the external portion of the doors for two hours, even if they are a fashionable Gothic shape. It is a case of the Sexton opening the doors and admitting a “favoured few”.
Jun 28th 1862: RECREATION GROUND – There is strong talk throughout the town that this desideratum stands a slight chance of being obtained. Several influential tradesmen have taken the matter up and as they will doubtless receive support from the cricket clubs, Odd Fellows, Foresters &c. we should advise them not to let the matter drop.