June 1867
Isle of Wight Observer:
June 1st 1867: PRESENTATION – On Monday evening last a very chaste electro-plated tea and coffee service, together with a purse containing 20 sovereigns, was presented to Mr. W. JACOBS, secretary of the Ryde Young Men’s Christian Association, under circumstances especially gratifying to that gentleman.
June 1st 1867: COMMISSIONERS – A special general meeting of this body will take place in the board-room this Friday evening; To receive a report from the Highways Committee respecting the “Turnpike Trusts Abolition Bill” now before Parliament; to affix the seal to a petition to Parliament to abolish the turnpike tolls in the Island.
June 1st 1867: THE THEATRE – We are informed that this favorite place of amusement will be opened by the new lessee, Mr. Charles HARCOURT, of Drury-lane Theatre, with a first-rate company, in the first week in July. There is every indication of a good season in Ryde.
June 15th 1867: PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT – A great improvement has been effected at the corner of West-street and Lind-street, by setting back and rounding the wall at the corner, giving the public more room, and on coming down West-street a readier view of St. James’s Church. It may be classed as a very great advantage
June 15th 1867: CAUTION – On Thursday morning a silver watch was stolen from a back parlour at Frankfort-house, George-street. It appears that the inmates had left that part of the house for a short time only. The police have not, at the time we write, obtained any information as to the robber.
June 15th 1867: FIRE ENGINES – Mr. MARVIN said the practice of the hose on the evening had been more satisfactory than on the last occasion. In two places they had thrown the water over houses, but there was something deficient in the pipe, which caused an impediment to the pressure.
June 22nd 1867: ARRIVAL – We beg to call attention to the arrival of the great American troupe and brass band, from the United States. We understand that this company have been performing at the Philharmonic-hall, Southampton and neighbouring towns. They visit Ryde on the 1st and 2nd July.
June 22nd 1867: ST. AUGUSTINE’S COLLEGE, SWANMORE – A portion of this establishment, consisting of the private chapel and school-room, will be opened on Friday, July 12. The whole building will be completed by Christmas. There will be a complete organ in the chapel, upon which the musical students will have the privilege of practising.
June 29th 1867: CORONATION DAY – Friday, the 28th day of June, was a magnificent day, and was generally observed throughout the town as a holiday. The public buildings and streets were profusely decorated with flags and banners. The yachts also made a very pretty display in honor of the day. At 12 o’clock the guns of the club battery of the Royal Victoria Yacht Club poured forth a Royal salute in honor of the day, as did also the vessels at Spithead.
June 29th 1867: ANNIVERSARY – Thursday last being the 83rd birthday of our townsman, Blackall SIMONDS, esq., the usual distribution of bread to all the aged poor was made by Mr. COOPER, of St. James’s-street. May our venerable friend be spared for many more such pleasing reminiscences!
June 29th 1867: TO LET – Adjoining the Crown Hotel, Ryde a large Shop, Room, and convenience; also a Three-quarter Brewery, and the Stabling, &c., together or separate. Taproom if wanted.—Apply to James WOODROW, Crown Hotel, Ryde.