Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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June 1869

Isle of Wight Observer:

Jun 5th 1869:  RYDE PIER – A varied programme of March’s, Waltz’s, Quadrille’s, Polka’s. and Scotch Melodies, will (weather permitting) be played on Ryde pier on Tuesday evening next, by the band of the 1st Isle of Wight Rifle Volunteers, under the leadership of Mr. H. FIELD.

Jun 5th 1869:  QUEEN’S BIRTHDAY – On Wednesday last there was a plentiful display of bunting, both ashore and afloat, and at 12 o’clock a salute of 21 guns was fired from the battery of the Royal Victoria Yacht Club in honour of the above event.

Jun 5th 1869:  RHODODENDRONS – Visitors and residents have now an opportunity of witnessing a splendid exhibition of these beautiful plants in every variety, from white to old port, R. GODFREY, esq., of Homelands, having kindly intimated his wish that as many as possible would pay a visit to see this opulent flower, “with its wealth of form and flush of hues,” now that it is in the height of its beauty.

Jun 5th 1869:  BANKRUPT – A meeting of creditors specially called to appoint a trade assignee, under the bankruptcy of Daniel BARTLETT, of John-street, Ryde, livery stable keeper, took place on Friday last, at the London Court of Bankruptcy.  The bankrupt at the date of adjudication was a prisoner for debt in Winchester gaol.

Jun 12th 1869:  HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY – We are anxious to impress upon visitors that the first show of the above society will be held on Wednesday next, the 16th inst., in the grounds of Southfield, by the kind permission of H. D. BROWN, esq., J.P., where a much larger show than usual is expected.  To add to the attractions of the day, a Military band will be in attendance.

Jun 12th 1869:  BATHING STAGE – This great convenience for the general public was opened on Monday last, and has been extensively patronised throughout the week.  Considering the fineness and consequent heat of the weather just set in, it is matter for congratulation that its opening was no longer delayed.  On the opening day 370 persons bathed.

Jun 12th 1869:  RYDE MARKET – We have already informed our readers that the town market under the new Assembly-room is now open.  For the information of visitors, however, it seems to us that something is required, in order that they may be able to find the spot.  Probably if the words “Ryde Town Market” were conspicuously placed at the end of the new hall, it would attract the attention of the numerous visitors who pass through Lind-street.

Jun 12th 1869:  ACCIDENT – On Monday last, the Portsmouth and Ryde steamer, Her Majesty, ran into the pier, by which she not only sustained but inflicted some injury, which has since been repaired.

Jun 19th 1869:  THE CROPS – Smart progress has been made during the past few days in harvesting hay throughout this neighbourhood, and in general the crops are exceedingly heavy.  We are now entering upon the most critical period of the season in regard to the growing corn crops and the prospect of the result.

Jun 26th 1869:  OLLA PODRIDA – Mr. and Mrs. W. J. MORRIS have given their entertainments this week at the Victoria-rooms, to pretty good audiences.  We see they appear at the Literary Institute, Ventnor, on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and we strongly advise our neighbours to avail themselves of the opportunities afforded on account of the performances, as well as the additional attraction of the presents divided among the audience.

Jun 26th 1869:  LICENSE TRANSFERS – The license of the Eagle hotel was transferred from G. J. ATKINS to George Bullen HALLETT, the Crown hotel from Jas. WOODROW to James Harding CANDY.