Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
  • MENU

June 1870

Isle of Wight Observer:

June 4th 1870:  DR CUMMING AT RYDE – This well-known controversialist was announced to give a lecture at the Victoria-rooms, on Wednesday, but he seems to have worn out his welcome in Ryde, for there were only a handful of people to listen to his address.  We have heard of the end of the world, according to Dr. CUMMING, but it would almost seem that the end of the doctor’s popularity has been achieved before the fulfilment of his celebrated prophesy.

June 4th 1870:  ROUND THE ISLAND – The Portsmouth and Ryde United Steampacket Company will make the first excursion round the Island on Monday next, being Whit-Monday, and this will be followed up three times a week during the coming season, commencing on the 16th.

June 4th 1870:  ISLE OF WIGHT RAILWAY – The traffic returns for the past week ending May 28th; Receipts – Coaching and parcels £305. 8. 0., Goods and coals £47. 4. 7., Number of passengers 6,914, Miles of line open 12.

June 4th 1870:  HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY – The exhibitions for 1870 will take place on Thursday June 16th, in the grounds of Sir Augustus CLIFFORD, Bart., Westfield, Ryde; and on Wednesday August 17th, in the grounds of George YOUNG, Esq., Apley Towers, Ryde.  A military band will attend on each day.

June 11th 1870:  FATAL BOAT ACCIDENT – It is with great pain that we record a melancholy and fatal accident, through three young men of this town lost their lives this (Friday) afternoon. Early in the afternoon the second son of Edward THURLOW, a young man named CLARKE, (a photographer), and one of the assistants of Mr. WHEELER, draper, of High-street, named TILLEY, went off in a boat for the purpose of having a bathe and a row.  When off Seaview the boat was seen to upset. Assistance was sent, but all that was seen at the place where the boat upset were the hats of the unfortunate men.

June 11th 1870:  FIVE-POUND NOTES AFLOAT – Our townsman, Mr. Frank CARTER, jun., several days ago picked up seven £5 notes, and a lady passing near the Hampshire bank about the same time picked up a single £5 note.  Mr. CARTER at once went to the bank, when it was soon found the Mr. SCHOLEFIELD had a few minutes before drawn these notes from the bank.  Mr. ROBERTS, the manager, at once started in pursuit of that gentleman.  Mr. SCHOLEFIELD was of course glad, to receive his lost money, and immediately handed over a sovereign toward the fund for building the Congregational chapel in George-street.

June 11th 1870:  INVENTION – We are happy to state, that an ingenious invention by Mr. William BROWN, proprietor of the Ryde theatre, promises to relieve a voyage, even in the roughest weather, of many of its attendant horrors.  Should the patentee’s anticipations be realised, sea sickness may be banished from every ship.

June 11th 1870:  ROUGHS AT ELECTIONS – Sir, on Wednesday evening last I entered the Crown hotel to transact some business with a person.  I remained there about five minutes and on my quitting the hotel found a crowd of boys around the door.  I was struck by four stones; an egg was thrown in my face.  Sergeant COWARD and two other policemen stood by, and I asked the sergeant to disperse the boys who were pelting all who entered the workingmen’s committee room at the theatre.  The police would not interfere.  Your’s, &c. E. HARTNALL

June 25th 1870:  NARROW ESCAPE – On Tuesday evening, a man entered the free bathing stage, and requested the master, Mr. HARRIS, to supply him with a pair of drawers.  HARRIS, seeing that the applicant had been drinking, declined to accede to his request, at the same time desiring him to leave the stage. When the bathing master’s attention was directed to other persons, he seized a pair of drawers that had been used by some one else, undressed and rushed into the water like a madman.  He went out of his depth and began to sink.  His perilous situation was at once seen and prompt measure taken for his rescue.