June 1872
Hampshire Advertiser: – Agents the Misses GIBBS, Royal Marine Library, Union-street, Ryde
Jun 1st 1872: CORONATION DAY – As usual the 28th of June will be a holiday in Ryde and several kinds of amusements are already announced. There will be all kinds of rural sports, and should the weather prove fine there is no reason why demonstrations should not prove successful. Military bands have been engaged.
Jun 1st 1872: REV. DR. NOBLE’S READINGS – The last of these readings for the season came off at the Townhall on Thursday evening when, as usual, there was a large attendance, so that it may be set down as great a success as the preceding ones.
Jun 8th 1872: SALUTE – A salute of twenty-one guns was fired from the Royal Victoria Club battery at noon on Saturday, in honour of Her Majesty’s birthday.
Jun 12th 1872: THE SEASON – Mansions are letting for the season and longer periods, and families arriving. More yachts are at and about the station than is usual in the month of June. The one other thing needed is fine weather, with which we hope soon to be favoured, in which case doubtless our streets would present a gay appearance, and the trade of the town to be largely benefitted.
Jun 12th 1872: RAILWAY ACCOMMODATION – A considerable addition has been made to the number of trains running on the Isle of Wight Railway, and the earlier trains on Monday and Tuesday mornings have commenced running. These arrangements will remain in operation during the whole of the season.
Jun 15th 1872: ROYAL I.W. HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY – The first flower show of the season was held on Wednesday, on the lovely grounds of Apley Towers, kindly lent by Mr. George YOUNG. Notwithstanding the lateness of the season, there was an abundant and rich supply both of flowers and fruit. The splendid band of the 88th Regiment was in attendance, and contributed greatly to the enjoyment of the numerous fashionable company.
Jun 22nd 1872: APLEY TOWERS – This noble mansion and grounds were put up for sale a few days since in London. The highest bid was £47,000 by the Marquis of Bute, and it is generally understood here that arrangements are in progress the result of which will be that the property will fall into the hands of his lordship.
Jun 22nd 1872: AUDIT DINNER – On Tuesday the audit dinner in connection with the Fleming estate, was held at the Fleming Arms, Binstead, when the worthy host (GLADHILL) maintained his reputation as a good caterer. Allusion was, of course, made to the death of the late High-Sheriff of the County (Mr. J. B. W. FLEMING), who was universally respected as a kind friend and generous landlord.
Jun 26th 1872: ROYAL VICTORIA YACHT CLUB – It has now been decided that on Monday the 22nd of July a sailing match on an unprecedented scale, for which a grand prize, value £500, should be contended for, will take place. It will thus be special and distinct from the regatta. The start is to be from Ryde, so also the return and the course about 300 miles.
Jun 26th 1872: BIRTHDAY GIFTS – Our venerable townsman, Mr. Blackall SIMONDS, on Saturday, the 22nd, completed his 88th year, and gave, as usual, as many gallons of bread to the aged poor in and around the town.
Jun 26th 1872: THE POSTMEN – A petition in favour of granting the letter carriers of Ryde a rest day on Sunday is being very numerously signed by all classes. Nearly all the professional gentlemen and all the ministers of the town have attached their names to it.
June 29th 1872: NATURAL HISTORY – Mr. A. WOODWARD gave the last of the series of lectures on Natural History at the Philosophical Institution on Wednesday, when he pointed out the geographical distribution of plants and made special reference to the flora of the Island. As usual, there was a good attendance.