June 1874
Isle of Wight Observer
Jun 6th 1874: ST. MICHAEL’S CHURCH APPEAL FOR COMPLETION – The church was consecrated in August 1863 and the Tower, Belfry and Transepts are approaching completion. The building committee are making strenuous efforts to complete the chancel, having just had the munificent offer of £1000 from Miss RAINE;. The vicar has been compelled to borrow £1,500 to prevent of the works progress being interrupted. The population of the parish which was 1,389 at the last census, is rapidly increasing, and consists almost entirely of the poorer classes.
Jun 6th 1874: CABDRIVER ASSAULTED – George COTTON who was recently refused a driver’s license, was in court having struck Frank WEEKS, a cab driver, without warning several times with his fists, knocking him backwards. Fined 10 shillings or in default to be imprisoned for a week, with hard labour.
Jun 6th 1874: ROYAL ISLE OF WIGHT INFIRMARY. Donations of old linen, which is very much needed, will be thankfully received by the committee.
Jun 13th 1874: POTATOES – POTATOES – POTATOES – Now discharging at George Street Slipway, a cargo of Superior Potatoes, consisting of Rocks, 4/6 per cwt, Jersey Blues, 7/6 and Paterson’s Victoria, 8s. Apply at the Slipway or at S MUNFORD’s Coal and Potato Store, 40 Castle Street, Ryde.
Jun 13th 1874: WAGE INCREASE REQUEST – An application was read from Mr. BURT, superintendent of police, asking for an increase of salary, on the grounds that his duties had largely increased. He had on a former occasion applied to the Watch Committee, but no notice had been taken of his application. He had since been appointed inspector of weights and measures; He also stated he was inspector of hackney carriages.
Jun 13th 1874: TANNAKER’S JAPANESE TROUPE – This troupe appeared at the Victoria Rooms Ryde, Change of Programme each day, – Tommy the Wolf, Little All Right, Rope and Wire Walker, Ladder Balancer, Tub and Door Spinner, and other artistes, in their Pole and Bamboo Balancing, Screen and Umbrella Spinning and 101 other novel feats never attempted by any other performers.
Jun 20th 1874: DRUNKENNESS – Thomas JOHNSON, was charged with this offence. P.C. MARTIN stated he was called to a publichouse and had to put defendant out. He was so drunk witness was obliged to lock him up. – Defendant was dismissed on his promising that he would leave the town by the next boat.
Jun 20th 1874: FERRY TICKETS PRICE REDUCTION – Books of tickets are now issued at the undermentioned rates: 120 Tickets Main Deck, £1.10s., being at the rate of 3d pet Ticket. 120 Tickets, Fore Deck, £1, being at the rate of 2d. per Ticket. Smaller books may be obtained at the same rates.
Jun 20th 1874: A DOG RUN OVER – Last week a valuable retriever dog, the property of Mr. MORGAN, pork-butcher, High-street, was run over by a tram, and so seriously injured that it was obliged to be drowned.
Jun 27th 1874: WORTHY OF IMITATION – On Monday last, Mr BLACKALL SIMMONDS, of Caversham House, attained the good old age of 90 years, and, in accordance with his usual custom on his natural day, instructed Mr. J. COOPER, baker, to distribute about 60 gallons of bread to the poor and infirm persons over 70 years of age. It has also been the custom of this fine old gentleman for some years to give similar “dole” on his wedding day, and at Christmas
Jun 27th 1874: FURIOUS DRIVING – Henry THOMMS, a coachman was summoned for furious driving. P.C. GALE deposed, I saw the defendant driving a horse and carriage (with a lady in it) going very fast – about 17 or 18 miles an hour. The carriage swayed, I thought it was going to turn over. I stopped the defendant when he came back. He said his master had told him to get to the pier in time to catch the boat. He was fined 10s., with 5s costs, allowed 24 hours to pay.