June 1910
Isle of Wight Observer
June 4th 1910: USELESS DRINKING FOUNTAIN – Letter to the Editor…. Sir, There is a drinking fountain on the Western Esplanade for the use of thirsty visitors. So far so good, but why, in the name of common sense, are there no drinking cups. The push button is so stiff and hard to work that ladies and children are unable to procure the water that they need…. Yours respectfully Tantalus.
June 4th 1910: VANDALISM – Certain hooligans have been damaging cushions in the Isle of Wight Railway carriages by splitting them with a knife. The Railways should have their carriages cleaned as a passenger described the carriage in which he was travelling as a “travelling dust bin.”
June 4th 1910: PAINTED LIPS – The powder puff is rarely absent from the fashionable and inevitable hand bag, and the same may be said of the little mirror, scent bottle, smelling salts and receptacle for holding powder. A recent addition to these items and one distinctly to be regretted, however, is the stick of lip salve. Why a woman should desire to emulate the decorative traditions of a clown, it is difficult to understand, but the fact remains that at the moment painted scarlet lips are in vogue.
June 4th 1910: NURSING – The District Nurses attend all patients free of charge, except Maternity Cases, for which a charge of 7s.6d. has to be paid to the Charity on entering the name on the list. The poor can apply direct for the services of a nurse. The Charity is entirely undenominational. Visits paid by Ryde District Nurses for 1909 = 9166. Subscriptions or Donations will be gratefully received by Miss CORRIE, Hon. Sec, Vale Lodge.
June 11th 1910: SUFFREGETTES – The Suffragettes are about to commence an active campaign in the Island and hope to make many converts. The probability is that they will not find the ladies of the Island very warm supporters of the cause.
June 11th 1910: EDUCATION COMMITTEE – Instructions were given for the usual swimming classes for school children to be started in the various districts as last year.
June 11th 1910: LINERS AND THE SOLENT – The possibilities of the Isle of Wight says the Scotsman, as the location of call for transatlantic steamers are being discussed, and representatives of the leading British and German lines have lately made a survey of Keyhaven, the port just inside Hurst Castle. The idea is to save the run up to Southampton water, so that the liners would hardly have to deflect at all from their straight course.
June 11th 1910: MOTOR BOAT ON FIRE – Considerable excitement was caused on the Pier on Sunday evening by a fire on a motor launch owned by Lieutenant MURRAY, Grenadier Guards, of Ryde. Flames and smoke issued from the cockpit and the hatchway above the engine room, Lieutenant MURRAY was surrounded by flames and in extreme danger. A man named Daniel GAWN at once put off from the Pier to his assistance.
June 11th 1910: PARADING – Much interest was shown in the young boys in Scottish costume who have paraded the streets to advertise the recent concert in connection with Dr. BARNARDO’s home, their performance on the bagpipes was exceedingly good.
June 18th 1910: RYDE TOWN COUNCIL – Plans and estimates for a steam disinfector, ambulance and carriage, and truck for disinfecting, have been prepared by the Borough Surveyor and carefully considered, and they recommend that such plans and estimates be approved, and that application to the Local Government Board for sanction to borrow the sum of £700 to carry out the work.
June 18th 1910: VISITORS – About sixty young Germans, belonging to the Y.M.C.A. arrived at Ryde on Friday, on an education tour. A reception was held at 4.30 by the President of the local Association (Mr. A. ANDREWS, J.P.) at the Y.M.C.A.
June 25th 1910: PUBLIC HOUSE RAIDED – The Ryde Police raided a licensed house – “The Royal Sovereign”, Castle-street on Thursday afternoon, alleging that the premises were being used for betting purposes. Their entry occurred at about quarter to 2 o’clock in the afternoon when beside the landlord, six men were found on the premises. They were charged and liberated on bail.
June 25th 1910: WESTERN ESPLANADE – The Council aught to take immediate steps to prevent the Western Esplanade being overrun by noisy children. The Council’s attention has been called to this matter by the residents near the Esplanade, but it has not made much difference.