June 1911
Isle of Wight Observer
Jun 3rd 1911: THE BODEGA – Great improvements have been carried out at the Bodega, where the billiard room has been re-decorated and re-furnished. The billiard table, always a good one, has been fitted with the latest “Burwat” steel vacuum cushions, making it one of the best tables in the Island.
Jun 3rd 1911: CHURCH ORGAN – It is hoped to commence the renovation of the Parish Church organ, which will cost about £800, at the end of the summer.
Jun 3rd 1911: PIER – The Victoria Bathing Pier will be available for sea bathing this summer as in other years. An arrangement will probably be come to between the Town Council and the Pier Company as to the future of the Pier.
Jun 3rd 1911: STATE LOTTERY A CENTURY AGO – The following interesting item is taken from the Hampshire Telegraph of June 1st, 1811, Richardson GOODLUCK and Co. respectfully inform the public that the New State Lottery, containing Sixty Capitals, will all be drawn on the King’s Birthday.
Jun 3rd 1911: TRAM – The fine new car which the Pier Company have added to their trams is of local construction. The excellence of the workmanship is apparent, and the makers, Messrs. POLLARD and Son, of Hill-street, are to be congratulated on having secured the order, while the Pier Company directors are to be commended for giving a local firm an opportunity to obtain the work.
Jun 10th 1911: POUND DAY – The Committee of the I.W. County Hospital have arranged to hold a “Pound Day” on the 28th and 29th of this month. On those days all our premier charitable institutions are invited to take to the Hospital one pound of tea, coffee, marmalade, bottled fruits, soap or indeed anything which could be useful to such an institution. “Pound Day” was initiated last year and proved very successful.
Jun 10th 1911: CROQUET – The Ryde Open Croquet Tournament opens on Monday and will continue during next week. Play next week is likely to afford many interesting games, particularly the Ladies Challenge Bowl, for which there should be a keen contest. The referee’s being Mr. E. Kaye Le FLEMING and Mr. J. KENWICK, the well known croquet player.
Jun 10th 1911: GUN CLUB -The miniature rifle range at the I.W. Gun Club at Ashey is almost as popular amongst the lady visitors as the clay pigeon shooting is to the members. The club has arranged a series of International Shooting matches to take place in the Island this year. As the International meeting coincides with the Review the many French and Dutch sportsmen will find their visit doubly interesting. The Ryde Pier Company have agreed to frank the French and Dutch visitors on the Pier free of charge.
Jun 10th 1911: CHILDREN – The children’s sports which will form part of the Coronation festivities in Ryde should prove successful. The Mayor has kindly presented twelve handsome Coronation spoons to be competed for by children in the different schools, and has also given £10 towards the prize fund.
Jun 10th 1911: ASHEY – At a meeting of the Ashey Parish Council the list of old people who were to receive tickets for the purchase of goods to the value of 5s. in commemoration of the Coronation of H.M. George V, was considered and approved. several members of the Council promised to distribute the tickets a few days before the Coronation.