June 1912
Isle of Wight Observer
Jun 1st 1912: PRESS AND THE ISLAND – The season for reference to the Island in the various periodicals has commenced, and this week a number of journals alluded to the beauties of the Isle of Wight. The “Co-operative News” makes a flattering reference to Ryde and the coach rides therefrom. The “Queen” contains an admirably illustrated article, while the “South London Observer” and the “Liverpool Courier” make kindly references to the place.
Jun 1st 1912: ALL SAINTS’ ORGAN – With the object of reducing the debt remaining on the All Saints’ Parish Organ, Mrs G W COLENUTT has arranged a Garden Fete and Sale of Work which will be held Thursday July 11th in the grounds of Newlands, by kind permission of Miss TURPIN.
Jun 1st 1912: ADVERT – Old false teeth wanted, any condition. 4d. per tooth given on vulcanite; 1s. on silver; 1s.6d. on gold; 3s.6d. on platinum. Remittance by return. Bankers Parrs.–S.Cann, Dept 171, 69a Market-street, Manchester.
Jun 15th 1912: EDUCATION – Alderman MEARS, chairman of the Education Committee, reported the resignation of Miss A SMITH, uncertificated assistant, Boys Department, St John’s-road School, from 30th June.
Jun 15th 1912: MOTOR FARES – All owners of motors plying for hire in the Borough are informed that the following scale of charges be adopted within the borough:- For the first mile or part thereof 1s.; for additional quarter of mile or part thereof 3d.; for every package of heavy luggage 3d. and for every additional passenger over three 6d. The scale to be exhibited in the motor cars.
Jun 15th 1912: ROYAL BOHEMIAN PLAYERS – This clever company, which has been appearing at the Coliseum, and has been before royalty on no fewer than five occasions, will be at the Pier Pavilion during next week. The company is an extremely capable one and their singing, dancing, sketches and potted plays are well worth seeing.
Jun 15th 1912: TITANIC FUND – In a letter from the Mayor of Southampton re the Titanic Fund, His Worship wrote that it was a very great pleasure to receive the magnificent sum of £191.17s.4d. which they sent to him on the 24th inst. last. He wished to express his thanks to the subscribers of that generous addition to his funds.
Jun 15th 1912: WATCH COMMITTEE – PC PULLINGER having completed 18 months satisfactory Police Service, has been promoted to 2nd class police constable, pay £1.4s.7d.
Jun 22nd 1912: SWALLOW’S CIRCUS – As seen by the advertising, John SWALLOW’s International Circus will be at Mr BLAKE’s field near St John’s-road Station, on Saturday next. Mr SWALLOW was for many years with BARNUM’s “Greatest show on earth,” and as the circus is one of the best on tour, no doubt many adults will give up an afternoon or evening to “take the children.”
Jun 22nd 1912: ROSE SOCIETY – The Rose and Sweet Pea Show, which is to be held on Thursday afternoon and evening at The Lawn, Ryde, the residence of Colonel E W CRADOCK, D L, should be one of the best held in the history of the Society, The entries are very large, and many of the mainland growers are sending specimens to the show. The band of the Royal Marine Artillery has been engaged for the afternoon and evening.