June 1917
Isle of Wight Observer:
June 9th 1917: ALL SAINTS’ WAR BOX – The takings in the war box at the Parish Church amounted at the end of last month to £44.1s.4d. The money is used for providing huts of rest for our men at the Front, and the need and value of these are spoken of in the highest terms by the men themselves.
June 9th 1917: VAUDEVILLE – On Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, vaudeville performances will be given at the Theatre Royal, with a matinee on the last-named day, in aid of the Ryde Communal Kitchen, District Nursing Association, and Ryde School Boot Fund. Colonel Steff MACDONALD will be in charge of the performances.
June 9th 1917: RABBITS – For those who have a penchant for rabbit breeding is that a member of the Leporidae family belonging to Mr James PERKIS, of Hill Street, had a litter of no fewer than seventeen the other day. Having regard to the present food restrictions three of the litter showed their patriotism by “turning up their toes.”
June 9th 1917: MILITARY TRIBUNAL – Henry W. O. WEEKS, 28, single, sub-postmaster of the West Street Office, said he had been classed C3. They said C3 men were not wanted at present, and seeing the position WEEKS occupied they assented to exemption.
June 9th 1917: IN MEMORIUM – A handsome pair of glass and silver cruets for the sanctuary at All Saints’ Church has been presented by Mrs KNIGHT, of Almora, West Street, in memory of her mother, Mrs RUBIE, who though a resident at Cowes, was a frequent worshipper at the Parish Church.
June 9th 1917: CYCLE ACCIDENT – A young girl named Clara CALLOWAY, of Cross Street, Eastfield, in the employ of Messrs. W. H. SMITH & Son, was cycling down Union Street, and in trying to avoid two ladies her machine came into violent collision with a lamp post at the corner of Pier Street and Union Street. The unfortunate girl was picked up in an unconscious condition, and Nurse BOLTON who happened to be nearby, attended her injuries and took her to the County Hospital.
June 16th 1917: PUBLIC LIGHTING – Alderman. H. SWEETMAN, on behalf of the Public Works Committee, reported that the lighting of the public lamps would be discontinued during the months of June, July and August.
June 16th 1917: ISOLATION HOSPITAL – Tenders had been received for painting the outside of the Isolation Hospital, and that of W. A. DALLIMORE, £15.5s. being the lowest, it had been accepted.
June 16th 1917: BOAT SERVICE – Councillor ANDREWS asked the Chairman of the Railway Committee whether he had noticed that although it was stated that no boats were available to run between Southampton and Ryde, that boats were now running from Southampton to Southsea.
June 16th 1917: “THE HANDWRITING ON THE WALL” – This brochure, a review of an advance copy of which appeared in our issue of the 12th May, is now on sale at the price of one shilling and the profits will be given to the Red Cross Society. A capital portrait of the Mayor (Mr John I. BARTON) in his robes and chain of office, and a photograph of the Castle Red Cross Hospital, appear among the letterpress.
June 16th 1917: BIRCHING – Parents often have to suffer financially through the wrong doings of their offspring’s, whereas an increase in the birching age will transfer in many cases the suffering to the wrong-doers
June 23rd 1917: Y.M.C.A. CANTEEN – This canteen has been removed from the Town Hall to the Y.M.C.A. premises opposite, it being felt that the large decrease in the number of troops in the town did not justify the expense of retaining the use of the municipal buildings.