Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
  • MENU

June 1918

Isle of Wight Observer:

June 1st 1918:  CHILD NEGLECT – The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to children, I. of W. Branch has dealt with 7 cases affecting children during the month of April.  The local office of the Society is situated at 4 The Friars, Monkton Street, Ryde.

June 1st 1918:  POSTAL ARRANGEMENTS – The alterations made by the recent Budget will commence on Monday.  Writers must make sure that their letters are sufficiently stamped to avoid possible delay and inconvenience to the recipients.  The alterations are announced at the post office and in the press.

June 1st 1918:  LAND ARMY – It is not often that such a crowded and enthusiastic meeting is seen in Ryde in these war days as that held in the Town Hall on Thursday evening, when a recruiting meeting for the Women’s Land Army, packed the small hall and gallery.  The Rev. Dr. TUGWELL, of Shorwell, presided.

June 1st 1918:  TALENT – Ryde is rich in talented amateurs—histrionic, musical and literary.  “The Broken Crutch,” from the pen of the Hon. Mabel Gough CALTHORPE, presented at the Trinity Hall this week is evidence of this.  It is to be presented on this Saturday afternoon and evening.

June 8th 1918:  APPOINTMENT – We have decided to appoint a County Superintendent Nurse, at a salary of £120 per annum, with travelling expenses in addition.  One third of the salary will be paid by the County Nursing Association.  Nurse J. BRAZENDALE has been appointed and commenced her duties on 13th of May 1918.

June 8th 1918:  RYDE DAIRYMEN – Ryde Dairy Association has taken a referendum of the town with reference to the continuance of the once a day delivery of milk during the summer months, it being necessary to concentrate all available labour upon the farms.  Ninety-five per cent of the townspeople voted in favour of the suggestion.  It is stated that many of the dairymen are putting coolers into their dairies to refrigerate the milk which will ensure its keeping perfectly sweet.

June 15th 1918:  BEAUTIFUL HOUSE – Thornbury, Spencer Road, Ryde, has been most generously given by Miss GAY to the Church Army.  It is to be used at present as a home for the motherless children of sailors and soldiers, the care of whom is now such an urgent necessity.  Donations and gifts of all sorts will be most gratefully accepted, such as fruit, vegetables, children’s clothes, bed and table linen, etc.

June 15th 1918:  SURPLUS POTATOES – The Food Controller issued a Press announcement to the affect that the Ministry of Food would purchase all sound potatoes, in four ton lots, in the United Kingdom, for which the grower was unable to find a market, and that the price of such potatoes would not be less than £7 per ton for four ton lots.

June 29th 1918:  ENTERTAINED – The St John’s Mascots, who have earned themselves an enviable reputation, entertained the wounded soldiers of the local V.A.D. Hospitals, on Thursday afternoon, in the St John’s Parish Hall, Oakfield, when some 80 men were present, all of them very thoroughly enjoying themselves and obviously appreciating the efforts made to give them a good time.

June 29th 1918:  AQUATICS – The Canoe Lake is very popular with visitors and residents.  Very many people were indulging in aquatics thereon on Thursday afternoon.  Some of them did not appear to be very accomplished oarsmen—but what they lacked in knowledge was made up for by their “energy.”

June 29th 1918:  CYCLIST – “A bicycle made for two,” was the burden of a song, popular many years ago.  It is quite a common thing to see a motor bicycle carrying two passengers—the lady sitting on a comfortable seat behind the cyclist.  It is not, however, common to see a lady seated on the carrier of an ordinary bicycle, as seen on the Strand last week.