June 1923
Isle of Wight County Press:
Jun 2nd 1923: CHURCH PARADE – There was a good muster at the 44th annual church parade of Court Astraea No. 2283, A.O.F., at St. Thomas’s Church on Sunday. The brethren assembled at the Foresters’ Hall and headed by the D.S.O. band, marched in procession to the church, via St. John’s-road and High-street, where they were joined by Bro. G. H. BRIGSTOCKE.
Jun 2nd 1923: PARISH CHURCH COUNCIL – Mr. W. DORE called attention to the condition of the gardens at the almshouses, and it was agreed that the Council should make suggestions to the managers. The new boiler for heating the church had been ordered. The tender of Mr. STAINER for painting the church railings was accepted, and also that of Messrs. WHEELER Bros., for painting the outside iron work of the church.
Jun 9th 1923: CHAR-A-BANC RIDDLE – Thirteen char-a-banc drivers, of Ryde, were summoned for obstructing the highway on the Esplanade with char-a-bancs. The defendants were represented by Mr. C. F. HISCOCK, who explained that his clients were apparently summoned under the same section in respect of similar complaints. Due to some alterations in the positioning of the hackney carriage stands, an adjournment was granted.
Jun 16th 1923: ADVERT – Wilton Grange Boarding Establishment, Ashey Road, Ryde. Parties catered for at moderate charges. Teas and Refreshments Daily.
Jun 16th 1923: RYDE CROQUET FINALS – A successful week’s play in the 12th annual open croquet tournament, organised by the Ryde Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, concluded on the Play-street lawns on Saturday.
Jun 16th 1923: LICENSING MATTERS – Mr. PALMER, representing his client, applied for the sanction of the Bench to alterations at the Crown Hotel, Ryde. He said the improvements would allow customers to walk straight into the grill-room. The Chairman said the Bench feel that in all these things the Magistrates should be furnished with a complete plan. Subject to a full plan being submitted and that plan being to the satisfaction of the clerk of the court, the application would be granted.
Jun 23rd 1923: WITHDRAWN – The thirteen Ryde motor-coach drivers who had previously been summoned for obstruction. Certain things had been pointed out and matters had been satisfactorily arranged, the Bench allowed the summonses to be withdrawn.
Jun 23rd 1923: RYDE PIER COMPANY – At a meeting of the directors of the Pier Company on Tuesday Capt. Frederick J. TURNER, of Wood-street, Ryde was appointed secretary in succession to the late Mr. Leonard TAYLOR who had held the position for 24 years. Capt. TURNER, who was chosen from 29 candidates, served in the Royal Engineers during the war.
Jun 23rd 1923: WESTWING COLLEGE PUPILS – will give a performance of Shakespeare’s “Midsummer Night’s Dream” at the Theatre Royal on Thursday afternoon.
Jun 23rd 1923: FOOTBALL FOR CHARITY – A football match was played on the Eastern Esplanade sands on Monday between the Hazelwood and Beachcombers Clubs. A collection, made on behalf of the Ryde and District Nursing Institute, realised £2. 4s.
Jun 23rd 1923: THE PAVILION QUESTION – will be the chief subject for consideration by the Public Works Committee of the Town Council on Tuesday next.
Jun 23rd 1923: SIR WALTER RUNCEMAN, BART – rear-commodore of the Royal Victoria Yacht Club, arrived at Ryde-roads on Thursday evening in the S.Y. Sunbeam. The usual salute was given.