June 1963
Isle of Wight Times:-
Jun 6th 1963: BELLEVUE PLAYERS – A “crime wave” hit the Esplanade Pavilion on Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, when the Bellevue Players presented “A breath of spring,” a comedy by Peter COKE. Played with verve by a competent, close-knit team, this highly amusing, if somewhat incredible story brought to a happy conclusion the Bellevue Players’ 1962-63 season.
Jun 6th 1963: ARMY CADETS – The platoon enjoyed the honour recently in having all their entrants in the Senior Cadets Examinations (Part 2) at Gosport, pass with high marks, including two with credit awards. Also a most successful week-end camp was held on Saturday and Sunday, May 18th and 19th at Calbourne, with 24 cadets attending.
Jun 6th 1963: ROBBERY – A smash and grab raider made a rooftop escape on Monday morning after robbing a Ryde High-street shop. A man, believed to be alone hurled a large stone through the window of Young’s Radio Shop just after midnight, grabbed a transistor radio and climbed onto the roof. Several teenagers nearby gave chase, but the raider disappeared.
Jun 13th 1963: TRUNK DIALLING – If you want to tell your aunt in Ipswich that you will be arriving on the 10.30 train, it need only cost you threepence if you make a call from a Ryde public call office. Since Saturday these call boxes in Ryde have been fitted with pay-on-answer equipment to enable users to dial their own trunk calls.
Jun 13th 1963: REPERTORY – One of the smallest audiences for years saw the Barry O’BRIEN Repertory Company open their 1963 summer season at the Esplanade Pavilion with “Four in Hand.” This comedy was a good choice to open the season even if the plot was a little worn, but the timing was bad and the jokes fell flat in the main because the cast frequently missed the punch lines.
Jun 27th 1963: SHELL MUSEUM – From a piece of rock in Thorness Bay the other day, Mr. Leslie PREBBLE, of Binstead, uncovered a piece of bone from a turtle which died 60 million years ago. It was five years ago that Mr. PREBBLE opened a “shell museum” in the garden shed of his Binstead Hill home. It soon outgrew its former quarters and had to be re-staged in Mr. PREBBLE’s front room, shells which fall below standard decorating the outside of the house. More than £36 has been raised for charity.
Jun 27th 1963: CRUSE CLUB – Mrs. M. HUGHES of “St. Davids,” The Strand, Ryde, is planning the formation of a Cruse Club—a counselling service for widows and children (the name is taken from the biblical story of the widow’s cruse). Cruse clubs were first started 5 years ago in Richmond, Surrey, and provided a social service which did not exist on the Island.
Jun 27th 1963: NEW GOLF COURSE – Ryde Borough Council’s golf “approach” course at Appley will be opened on July 7 by the Deputy Mayor. Golfers with club handicaps are invited to compete without entrance fees for the Appley Challenge Cup, until 5.30 that evening. After then the 18 hole course will be open to the general public.
Jun 27th 1963: UNEMPLOYMENT – As unemployment moved towards its seasonal peak for June, there were still many unfilled places. In the Island there were 351 men, 69 women, seven boys and five girls unemployed—a total of 432.