June 1970
Isle of Wight County Press:
June 6th 1970: BUILDING SITES – The safety officer for the I.W. Building Safety Association writes: Every year there are a large number of incidents, out of working hours, when children frequenting and playing on building sites cause accidents, quite often fatal. These same children are also often responsible for considerable damage to valuable plant and material.
June 6th 1970: HERBICIDES – Sir, May I protest at the use of herbicides in Ryde Cemetery? Buttercups, clover and marguerites are preferable to the area sprayed and now a dung brown. I went to take a photograph of a grave to send to America. Instead of a cemetery in the Garden Isle, it looks like a defoliation area in Vietnam. There are some unusual old roses on earlier graves, what will the effect of this poisoning have on them, and daffodils and other bulbs—besides the wildlife in the area?
June 6th 1970: BONFIRE MENACE – In this year of conservation it should be especially everyone’s wish to allow their neighbours to enjoy God’s good air. Much has been written about inconsiderate neighbours causing nuisance, but the bonfire menace beats the lot. Obviously, windows have to be shut against the smoke and stench, causing great discomfort and the garden cannot be used.
June 13th 1970: YOUTH QUIZ – The semi-finals and finals of a quiz for district youth organisations were held at Ryde Youth Centre on Friday week. Junior winners were 5th Ryde Holy Trinity Girl Guides’ B team. Senior winners were Ryde Youth Club A team.
June 13th 1970: LUNCH HOUR RAID – About £20 in cash, two cash boxes, a crossed cheque and about £5 worth of 5d. and 4d. stamps were stolen from the office of the Commercial Union Insurance Group, 7 Lind Street, at lunch time on Tuesday. It is thought that a waste paper sack was used to carry it away.
June 13th 1970: GOLDEN WEDDING – Mr. and Mrs. S. W. STROUD, of Oak Lodge, Weeks Road, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary last week with a dinner party at the Ponda Rosa. Mrs. Constance STROUD is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. JOLLIFFE, of Coppid Hall Farm, Havenstreet.
June 20th 1970: SALE – Sir Francis Pittis and Son have recently held their summer auctions of silver, china, coins, pictures and antiques. Prices were easier than of late, a total of over £5100 being realised. Items included an old flintlock pistol £42, Brannon’s Vectis Scenery £22, Georgian teapot £55, A small collection of coins fetched £532. 1s. 6d. The sale of pictures realised 1503. 10s. with a top price of £450 for three I.W. oil paintings by FOWLES.
June 20th 1970: POP FESTIVAL – Sir, as a lover of the Isle of Wight which we visit every year, I am greatly disturbed by the fact that the pop festival is to be held at the same time as our holiday (which I cannot change). It was a harrowing journey home last year when Ryde was packed with hippies, etc. If this is to be repeated this year, we shall be forced to find a new holiday resort in the future. I realise that those who favour the festival have vested interests, but the residents and visitors have no say in the matter…..A Visitor.
June 27th 1970: UPSIDE DOWN – A capsized dinghy off the beach near the pier was reported to the Sea Rescue Service, at Ryde, on Wednesday evening, but no boats were launched as the dinghy, which was empty, had been overturned by the wind earlier in the day.
June 27th 1970: ROYAL VICTORIA ARCADE – The Public Works Committee reported that they had considered applications respecting the erection of a new building on the site of the Royal Victoria Arcade, Union Street, and for listed buildings consent to be given for the present structure to be demolished. They felt the application for listed building consent should be approved.