June 1971
Isle of Wight County Press:
June 5th 1971: CAR FOR NUN’S VISIT – Sister Cecilia, of the Presentation Convent, points out that the car which will enable her and another nun to carry out visiting at Parkhurst Prison with greater facility, was not bought after a public appeal but with donations from personal friends.
June 5th 1971: MAYOR’S SUNDAY – Mr. and Mrs. J. LANGDON (mayor and mayoress), with members of the Town Council in their robes, Mr. K. L. HEATH (town clerk and chief executive officer) and senior officials, attended morning service at the Parish Church on Sunday. There was a break with tradition with regard to the absence of the procession from Lind Street to the church.
June 5th 1971: CANOE LAKE – Ryde Town Council Parks and Entertainments Committee decided to ask for a demonstration before allowing small motor boats to share the canoe lake with hand operated paddle boats and other non-power craft. Motor boats have been confined for many years to a small enclosure at the western end of the lake, and now operators have asked the council to allow them to hire out new motor boats on the whole lake.
June 5th 1971: ISLE OF WIGHT VIOLETS – When visitors see bath cubes and perfumes labelled “Fragrance of Isle of Wight Violets” in shop windows, they may be slightly disillusioned. For on closer inspection they may find in small print “Made in Great Britain” or “Made in Torquay.” The matter has been taken up by the I.W. Consumer Group, who contacted the County Council Weights and Measures Department.
June 12th 1971: WOMEN’S GAS FEDERATION – Mr. H. LANFEAR, of the I.W. Technical College, gave a talk on the care and culture of pot plants at the branch monthly meeting at the Southern Gas Board demonstration room on Monday, when he also gave a practical demonstration.
June 12th 1971: RESTAURANT BURGLARY – A thief broke into the manager’s quarters at the Prince Consort during Monday night and stole a cigarette lighter in the shape of a lighthouse and a silver cigarette box, together valued at £16.
June 12th 1971: VINTAGE BUS SERVICE – Plans by Wootton garage proprietor Mr. Rex WATSON to operate a vintage bus service on Ryde Esplanade has reached a vital stage. His application to run the service using a 1930 Red 25-seater charabanc is currently before the Traffic Commissioners. Mr. WATSON has already obtained permission to operate a circular tour of the sea front from a bus stop near the Pavilion, for a period of one year. He is also applying to run a service from Ryde to the I.W. Steam Railway Centre, Havenstreet.
June 19th 1971: CAR-SIZE CAVITY – A burst water main is believed to have been the cause of a huge hole suddenly appearing in Great Preston Road, Ryde, a few feet to the north of the junction with Harding Road, on Thursday. While work is proceeding to fill the cavity, large enough to swallow a small car, north bound traffic will be diverted into Harding Road, and south bound traffic re-routed left at the top of St. John’s Hill.
June 26th 1971: BROWNIE GUIDES – A treasure hunt took place in the grounds of Bishop Lovett School recently. Each pack in the district was represented and for two hours brownies searched to discover clues. The treasure was finally found by 8th Ryde (Methodist) pack, but the winners of the cup were the 3rd Ryde (St John’s) with 93 points. Miss E. BESSANT, former Brown Owl, presented the cup.
June 26th 1971: RETIRING – Mr. Louis ZINC regretfully announces that on medical advice he is retiring and closing his 80-year-old hairdressing salon in Union Street. He wishes most sincerely to thank all his clientele who he has had the pleasure of serving for over 50 years, for their support and loyalty.