Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
  • MENU

March 1859

Isle of Wight Observer

Mar 12th 1859: VICTORIA ROOMS – These rooms were very tolerably filled on Thursday evening to hear a concert of miscellaneous sacred music performed by a number of amateurs of the Island. The proceedings were prefaced by tea, when a very sociable gathering assembled.

Mar 12th 1859: PUBLICATION – History and Gazetteer of Hampshire and Isle of Wight with a directory appended. We would like to appraise our readers of the publication of the above work, when completed it will prove a valuable acquisition to the lover of Historical Association, as well as to the geologist, antiquarian and businessman.

Mar 12th 1859: RYDE COMMISSIONERS – Drinking fountains… Mr THURLOW moved and Mr. OLDFIELD seconded, the three self-closing stand-pipes for supplying the public with water for drinking, free of expense, be erected, the position to be decided by the Highway Committee.

Mar 12th 1859: PARTY – Mr. And Mrs. ADDERLY of Woodbine Villa, entertained a large and fashionable party on Monday evening.

Mar 12th 1859: ADVERTISEMENT – T. FAIREY respectfully solicits an inspection of his choice stock of Furs, in Seal, Sable, Ermine, Mink. Monkey, French Sable, Chinchilla and other MUFFS. T. FAIREY can confidently recommend the above as being the largest and cheapest stock of Muffs in the Island. Furs cleaned, altered and repaired. Victoria House, 61 Union-street, Ryde.

Mar 12th 1859: CONCERT – Last Monday was a noteworthy day amongst the amateur musicians. The occasion alluded to was that of the opening concert of the Ryde Musical Union, which, with no little éclat, came off on Monday at the Victoria Rooms.

Mar 12th 1859: CAUTION TO INTENDED VISITORS – Letter to the Editor… Pray allow me to exhort you to take special care to bring with you very thick soled boots or shoes an inch or two thick at least —or wooden-soled clogs, French sabots preferred, to protect your feet from the sharp-pointed flints, pebbles, and stones, of which all the walks and promenades are made of…. A sore footed visitor, Pier Hotel.

Mar 19th 1859: SYSTEM OF PLUNDER – Letter to the Editor… Sir, please call the attention of the proper authority to a system of plunder going on early in the morning in Union-street, as I see carts there clandestinely moving the gravel away. A word of caution may stop this nefarious practice….. ARGUS.

Mar 19th 1859: TOWN BAND – The Committee who conducted the affairs relating to the Town Band of last year are desirous of meeting their fellow tradesmen on Monday evening next at the Royal Eagle Hotel, to make arrangements for the coming season.

Mar 26th 1859: MUSEUM – We are pleased to hear that Mrs. BECKFORD has most liberally presented the fine conchological collection of the late Capt. BECKFORD, R.N., to this institution; and as soon as they are placed we will give a more extended notice of their value and importance.

Mar 26th 1859: THEATRE – Mr. DELAFIELD has leased the Theatre for the coming season and intends to open with a first rate company, including some stars of great magnitude such as Amy SEDGWICK, &c. As soon as the arrangements have been perfected we will give them publicity.