Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
  • MENU

March 1863

Isle of Wight Observer:-

Mar 7th 1863: WORTH KNOWING – Perhaps it is not generally known that the title Princess of Wales was first held by Mary of England who thus was created by her father, Henry VIII, in order to conciliate the Welsh people, and keep alive the name.

Mar 7th 1863: USE OF THE ROYAL ARMS – Furnishing the Royal family does not qualify you to stick up the Royal Arms. There must be a letter of appointment, the fees of which will cost you £40.

Mar 7th 1863: SOIREE – Mr. Russell THOMAS, who has gained some considerable renown in Ryde as a teacher of dancing, announces a grand dress soiree at the Town Hall on Thursday, “in honour of the marriage of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, and her Royal Highness the Princess Alexandra.” Vouchers to be procured of the managing gentleman to secure admission.

Mar 7th 1863: PETITION – During the past week petitions have been signed in this town in favour of a tramway to connect the Portsmouth terminus and the pier at Southsea; and against a tramway to connect the terminus with the pier at Ryde. The people of Ryde are teaching the people of Portsmouth what is for their good, though they reject that good for themselves.

Mar 7th 1863: THEATRICALS – The Ryde Amateur Dramatic Society gave another performance at the Theatre Royal, on Tuesday last. The performances commences with Douglas JARROLD’s domestic drama of “The Rent Day.” The part of Polly was ably sustained by Miss Clara ADDINGTON.

Mar 7th 1863: COAL – At a meeting of the directors of the Ryde Gas Light and Coke Company, held on Saturday last, Messrs. SMITH and JACOBS’ tender was accepted for supplying 2,000 tons of coal, the whole to be delivered by March 1864.

Mar 21st 1863: ROYAL VISIT TO ST CLARE – On Sunday afternoon last their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales left Osborne and proceeded by a long detour to St. Clare where the Prince and Princess Louis of Hesse had spent their honeymoon. The news of the visit soon got noised about, and many loyal souls trudged off to St. Clare. The young couple looked as happy as turtle doves, and doubtless they were.

Mar 21st 1863: RYDE COUNTY COURT – It appears that the first County Court in Ryde will be holden at the Town Hall on Thursday, April 23rd. We congratulate the inhabitants of Ryde upon this result, as we have played second fiddle to Newport long enough.

Mar 21st 1863: ISLE OF WIGHT RAILWAY – We are informed that the works of this line will be commenced at the Ryde end on the 1st of April.

Mar 21st 1863: CORONER’S INQUEST – An inquest was held at the Strand Inn, on Tuesday, before Mr. E. BLAKE, deputy coroner, and a respectable jury, with Mr. H. JACOBS as foreman, on the cause of death of a young man named James VINEN, who it will be remembered was supposed to have been drowned by falling overboard from the steamer”John Tom Taylor,” of which he was steward, on the night of January 5th.

Mar 28th 1863: STEEPLE CHASES – Old Will Shakespeare had doubtless “his reasons” for warning all ages to “beware of the Ides of March;” the Stewards of our Great Spring Meeting heeded the sage, so their fixture was for Tuesday, the 24th, nine days after “the ides,” and a nine-days’ wonder” followed—as still, bright, sunny and beautiful a day as ever broke his crest over Vecta’s hills or peered into her dales.