March 1867
Isle of Wight Observer:-
Mar 9th 1867: TO LET – Ashley House, Strand, handsomely furnished, with every accommodation for a Gentleman’s family. Contains three Reception Rooms (the drawing and breakfast rooms having south windows), 11 Bed Rooms (making up 14 beds), and excellent basement accommodation. For terms apply to E. MARVIN and Sons, House Agents, 9 Union-street, Ryde.
Mar 16th 1867: NEW CLOCK AT THE TOWN HALL – We notice that Mr. LOE, the contractor of the tower intended for the reception of the new town clock, has commenced the undertaking, which it is presumed will occupy about four months.
Mar 16th 1867: TELEGRAPH – We are pleased to find that the Electric Telegraph Company have very nearly completed the erection of a second wire to the Isle of Wight, so that Portsmouth, Southsea and Ryde, will, in a very short time, hold direct communication with each other. A second cable is now being laid to Hurst Castle with this object.
Mar 16th 1867: RYDE PIER COMPANY – It is being considered that an application to Parliament for powers to construct a railway to connect the existing Ryde Pier Railway with the authorised line of the Ryde Station Company, at a point opposite the Castle, on the north side of and adjoining the Esplanade wall.
Mar 16th 1867: CAB DRIVER’S LICENSES – The Committee be requested to issue circulars to the cab drivers and owners of carriages, that licenses are granted not as a source of profit to the town but for the purpose of protecting the public from incivility and imposition, and that in future such licenses will only be granted to persons of mature age, in whose hands they believe the public can entrust themselves.
Mar 23rd 1867: PUBLIC MEETING – A very noisy meeting, under the auspices of Mr. KNIGHT, was held at the Town-hall on Saturday evening last, convened by hand bill, headed “Contemplated Destruction of the George-street Slipway.” Mr. KNIGHT was voted to the chair, and proceeded with the usual tirade against the Pier Company, and the invasion of the rights of the people.
Mar 23rd 1867: WRECK OFF THE NAB – On Monday morning the Coastguard man on Ryde Pier, saw a boat driving before the strong gale that was blowing, and some men in her apparently in a helpless state. A boat was promptly manned by George GAWN, Frank GAWN, Stephen SIVELL, and Edward BURNETT, and pulled off to her. The two men who were stiff and exhausted with cold, wet and snow, were brought ashore and placed in the Black-horse inn, where every comfort was cheerfully afforded them.
Mar 23rd 1867: BOAT ACCIDENT – On Saturday morning a large cutter-rigged boat was seen by the Coastguardsmen standing in for the shore to the eastward of Apley. When she ran aground, and it being high water at the time, she was not more than thirty yards from YELF’s wall. The Coastguards hailed her, but receiving no answer one of them waded out and went on board. Finding no one there he got her afloat and took her to the camber. It appears the boat was in the charge of Benjamin BIDDLECOMBE and it is supposed that the unfortunate man fell overboard and drowned. The cutter was drifting about all night.
Mar 23rd 1867: RAILWAY STATION – There was a meeting of Ryde Station directors at the Castle at Ryde on the 4th January, which he (Sir Charles FOX) attended. Mr. WEBSTER and Mr. SAUNDERS, with several others, were there, as well as some of the people of the town. It was then determined that the present building called the Castle, should be used as the station building. Before the meeting he had looked carefully over it and gave his opinion that it was suitable for the purpose.
Mar 30th 1867: BILLIARDS – The lovers of this scientific game have a treat in store, as our townsman, Mr. M. NEWMAN, of the Green Dragon hotel, Union-street, has secured those two celebrated players, HUGHES and BENNETT, for Wednesday evening next, when they will play a grand match of 1,000 up. Nearly all the reserved seats are taken, inasmuch as so rare an opportunity is seldom afforded in Ryde.