March 1869
Isle of Wight Observer:
Mar 6th 1869: RELIEF – Mr. Vivian WEBBER has distributed £10 for the relief of Ryde mechanics; he has also forwarded £3 to the Mayor of Portsmouth for the distressed workmen in that borough.
Mar 6th 1869: TEMPORARY IRON CHURCH – We see that it is intended to enlarge the temporary Church, which at the present time holds about 500 persons. On Sunday evening last, many persons were unable to obtain admission.
Mar 6th 1869: DOG LICENSES – We refer our readers to the police report, in order that they may fully understand that all dog licenses were due on the 1st of January last. Those parties, therefore, who neglect to take their licenses are now liable to a penalty of £5; and however unwilling the Bench of magistrates may be to inflict the fines, they are bound to do so in all cases brought before them.
Mar 6th 1869: PURCHASED – That gentleman, Mr. R. G. SIBLEY, who recently retired from business, has purchased some property at Binstead, near Sir Charles LOCOCK’s, which is now being rebuilt. The strongest expressions of good will and many aspirations for the health, long life, and happiness of himself and family in that delightful locality were given utterance to.
Mar 13th 1869: FIRE BRIGADE – Mr. Superintendent BURT has been appointed superintendent of the fire brigade, and on Friday last, under his command, the men were mustered for practice, which was successfully gone through in various parts of the town. We trust their exertions may be confined to practising the capabilities of the engine.
Mar 13th 1869: ELECTIONS GUARDIANS OF THE POOR – The Parish of Ryde returns five Guardians. Nominations must be made according to the form prescribed by the Poor Law Board. Such nominations must be made after the 14th, but on or before the 27th day of March. We imagine the parishioners generally are satisfied with the gentlemen who at present fulfil the duties.
Mar 20th 1869: BURGLARY – On the night of Monday, or early on the morning of Tuesday last, some vagabonds broke into Mr. W. FAIRALL’s bakehouse, at the top of the High-street. The thieves, however, did not secure a very rich booty, being obliged to content themselves with a small quantity of flour, lard, and other trifling matters, showing their contempt for the smallness of the plunder by doing as much mischief as possible.
Mar 20th 1869: PROPOSED CATTLE MARKET – We understand that a fortnightly cattle market is intended to be held at the Star yard, and that the first show will be announced in a few days. The project has for some time been regarded in a most favourable light by many gentlemen who are largely interested in breeding stock. The railway is a great convenience, and will no doubt induce many agriculturists to visit Ryde on these occasions.
Mar 20th 1869: NARROW ESCAPE – On arrival of the goods train at Ryde station on Friday last, two loaded coal trucks having been released from the engine, were observed by the station master moving with considerable impetus toward the carriage shed, where a number of men were at work. Mr. HOPGOOD, made directly toward the breaks and got them down just in time to prevent mischief; but as they passed, the leading truck caught him in a sufficient squeeze to make him spit blood. With great presence of mind he crouched down and escaped the second truck.
Mar 27th 1869: RUNNING MATCH – On Thursday morning at 7 o’clock, a considerable number of persons assembled to witness a race down the pier, and up the tramway to the pier gate. The runners were known as “Long Shanks,” one of the toll collectors at the pier, and “Electric Spark,” the messenger at the telegraph office. Stakes, 10s. Betting was in favour of Long Shanks, but it was soon seen that young lightening was too brisk for his opponent, having out-distanced Long Shanks in the first 200 yards.