March 1870
Isle of Wight Observer:
Mar 5th 1870: THE VOLUNTEERS – Ensign J. H. HEARN has presented the sum of £5 to be shot for at the next competition for prizes, the object being to enable the winner to go to Wimbledon at the next annual competition.
Mar 5th 1870: COLLISION – A collision at sea between one of the Southampton Company’s boats, and one belonging to the Portsmouth and Ryde Steampacket Company, took place on Monday morning, The Medina, belonging to the former, and the Princess Royal, belonging to the latter company, ran into each other when passing under the bows of a larger vessel. The paddle-box of the Princess Royal was carried away, and so also was the bowsprit of the Medina, and considerable injury was done to her bows.
Mar 5th 1870: TEMPERANCE SOCIETY – On Thursday evening the annual tea in connection with the above society took place in the Free Wesleyan Chapel, when a considerable number sat down. After the tea, a selection of vocal and instrumental music, interspersed with addresses and recitations, were given.
Mar 12th 1870: OLD MANOR HOUSE – This old mansion, which will forthwith be demolished, the land on which it stands having been leased to the Royal Victoria Yacht Club, was on Thursday last sold by Mr. SCOTT for the sake of the building materials. It was knocked down to Mr. Charles JAMES, of the “Noah’s Ark,” for £95, that keen speculator having doubtless an eye to a large quantity of lead—some say as much as three tons, with which the roof is covered. With Old Manor House disappears almost the last vestige of the Lower Ryde of former years.
Mar 12th 1870: PROPOSED SCHOOL OF ART – We much regret the delay in establishing the proposed school in connection with the South Kensington Museum, the sole cause of which has, it seems, been the want of a suitable building. We now hear that the committee are again on the alert, and are at length likely to meet this great want.
Mar 12th 1870: REMOVAL OF POLICE STATION – We have heard with regret that some members of the Town Council seriously entertain the idea of removing the police station from its present site to the Town-hall. Surely the present station is near enough for all business requirements. This precious scheme ought to be scotched at once, or we shall have some one proposing to purchase the adjoining land for a lunatic asylum.
Mar 19th 1870: LOOK OUT FOR YOUR LARDERS – We just last week reported a daring robbery on the Strand. Another such operation has proved successful at a house in Spencer-road, where a party had been given, and in consequence there was a larger quantity of cold victuals than usual in the pantry, which the thieves managed to get safely away.
Mar 19th 1870: A BOLT – On Monday last a cart-horse belonging to a milkman in Warwick-street suddenly took it into its head to bolt, and rushed down High-street at a tremendous pace. It ultimately was stopped, though with considerable difficulty, fortunately before doing damage.
Mar 19th 1870: GHOST STORIES – Our departed townsman and poet, Herbert BASKETT, collected many of the legends and ghost stories, which, in the “good old times,” were listened to by the peasants round the wood fire with bated breath and a certain kind of awe-struck delight, and we should much like to see his sketches and tales, which contain much that would interest the lovers of the marvellous, reprinted by some enterprising publisher.
Mar 19th 1870: RARE OCCURRENCE – At the clear-out at Old Manor House, the building materials having been purchased by Mr. C. JAMES, it was found that the stairs of the brewhouse had been covered with wood which probably, years ago, had been in St. Thomas’ Church, as the Ten Commandments had been painted thereon. As soon as this was discovered, there was a rush of gentlemen to purchase the pieces.