Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
  • MENU

March 1871

Hampshire Telegraph – Agent at Ryde Mr THURLOW

Mar 4th 1871:  FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE – We are sorry to hear that this disease has again appeared in our neighbourhood.  Mr. James BRADING of Briddlesford, Haven Street, has had his entire herd of cattle down with distemper; and Mr. James JEFFERY, of Bembridge, has two pigs suffering from it.

Mar 4th 1871:  A CURIOSITY – There are to be seen at the “Atlantic,” High-street, Ryde, two as perfect skeletons of the jackdaw—a male and a female—as it is possible to imagine.  They possess, too, considerable interest as well as scientific grounds.  They were taken out of a hole in the tower of Brading Church during its restoration some three years ago; and as it is at least 200 years since it was last repaired, they must have been in that position for that time.

Mar 11th 1871:  NO NEWS – About 13 years ago Mr. James HUNT, furniture dealer of High-street, left Ryde and entered the Royal Artillery, when he was drafted to India, and was in the Governor-General’s band for eleven years, during which time his anxious friends received no intelligence of him. Upon enquiries, it appears in 1868 when the band were en route to Calcutta he was taken ill and admitted to hospital.  He gradually became worse from the day of his admission, and died on the 6th November that year from abscess of the liver.

Mar 11th 1871:  LECTURE – On Tuesday evening the last of the winter course of lectures, under the auspices of the Ryde Young Men’s Christian Association, was delivered in the New Town Hall, Ryde. The lecturer was the Rev. E. Armstrong TELFER, of Glasgow, who delivered a lecture on “London, the city of contrasts’ England’s glory and shame.”

Mar 15th 1871:  POLICE COURT – Francis HOLBROOK, a beer-house keeper, was charged with keeping open his house for the sale of beer at illegal hours, on Sunday, the 26th ult.  The bench inflicted a fine of 20s., and costs 5s.  This being the second conviction recorded against the defendant.

Mar 18th 1871:  SCHOOL OF ART – In anticipation of the opening of the Ryde School of Art, which is to take place on Monday next, a public meeting was held at the Town Hall on Wednesday.  During the course of the evening Mr. BARROW stated that the School commences with over fifty members.  Several beautiful chromo-lithographic engravings, photographs, &c. were exhibited on the platform, and Mr. WEBBER drew special attention to a beautiful copy of Shakespeare, printed by photo-lithography, or the application of photography by printing.

Mar 18th 1871:  EAST MEDINA LODGE OF ODDFELLOWS – Monday last completed the twenty-first year during which the lodge had been held in the present room (it had prior to that been held at the Crown Hotel for some five years), and as the Star Hotel is now about to be re-built, Mr. MEW offered them the free use of the billiard-room at the Green Dragon, in Union-street, during the alterations.

Mar 25th 1871:  FIRE – Early on Tuesday morning the fire-brigade received information from police-constable SILVERTON of the outbreak of fire in Rosemary-lane.  On repairing to the spot indicated, it was found that it had taken place on the premises of Mr. Charles TAYLOR, and that a stable and cart-house were entirely burnt down, and a quantity of harness, a chaff-cutting machine, &c. were consumed.

Mar 25th 1871:  ACCIDENT – A serious accident occurred about five o’clock to Mrs. DALLIMORE, the wife of a bricklayer, living at Elmfield.  While crossing the road with her two children in a perambulator, at the junction opposite the lodge gates of Appley Towers, by some means, she got under the feet of a horse drawing a light van.  She was knocked down and two wheels passed over her right hip, and her face was much bruised, one of the children was injured too. Lady Harriet FOWLER was driving past at the time and stopped her carriage and conveyed the woman and children to their home.  They are said to be progressing satisfactorily.

Mar 25th 1871:  ROYAL MARRIAGE – The marriage of the Princess Louise and the Marquis of Lorne, on Tuesday, was very heartily celebrated at Ryde.  The principal streets of the town were gaily decorated with flags, the pier was all ablaze with bunting, and the flag staves at the preventative station and at the Royal Victoria Yacht Club House were profusely dressed.