March 1872
Hampshire Advertiser: – Agents the Misses GIBBS, Royal Marine Library, Union-street, Ryde
Mar 2nd 1872: WORKMEN’S STRIKE – A number of workmen in the building line are out on strike. The men wish to leave off at 4 o’clock on Saturdays, and to receive their wages on Fridays. To this nearly all the employers have consented, and those who have not done so promise to concede the point after existing contracts are executed. This, however, is not deemed satisfactory by the men, hence the strike, the first ever witnessed in Ryde.
Mar 2nd 1872: RYDE AND NEWPORT RAILWAY – A petition, for the purpose of giving the Corporation a locus standi was ordered to be lodged against the Ryde and Newport Railway Bill.
Mar 6th 1872: RYDE PIER – This fashionable promenade is now lighted with gas, which is a great improvement, and will probably be the means of preventing accidents. It is not only a convenience to promenaders, but has a pretty effect both on water and land, and must prove exceedingly useful to captains of steamers calling at the Pier after dark.
Mar 6th 1872: VISIT TO RYDE – His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh honoured Ryde with a visit on Saturday, and made purchased off several tradesmen in Union Street.
Mar 6th 1872: FASHIONABLE INTELLIGENCE – Captain BRIDGES, R.N., has returned to his residence, Homelands, Swanmore; The Rev. Arthur and Mrs. TURNER have left their residence, The Oaks, St. John’s Park, for a tour on the Continent; Miss RAINE has returned to her residence, Haylands House, after an absence of some months. Several large residences have been let in and around the town of Ryde within the past few days, some of which are now furnishing, and will be occupied without delay.
Mar 9th 1872: HEALTH OF THE TOWN – Mr. BARROW, the honorary officer of health, in his lecture on Monday evening, stated that there was not a single case of small-pox or contagion of any kind in Ryde. The announcement was received with cheers by the audience. It is a most gratifying statement.
Mar 16th 1872: CHANNEL YACHT RACE – We have reason to believe that at the regatta of the Royal Victoria Yacht Club, in August next, a cup of the value of 500 guineas, which has already been subscribed for, will be sailed for by yachts belonging to the club, and that the course will be from Ryde round the Eddystone Light, and back to Ryde.
Mar 23rd 1872: GRAND BILLIARD MATCH AT THE R.V.Y.C. – On Tuesday evening a grand match of billiards and pyramids took place between W. COOK, the champion, and Joseph BENNETT, on one of Messrs. BURROUGH and WATTS’s tables. The match was 700 up. COOK soon took a long lead, and after some further excellent play, the champion won by 14 points. The match of pyramids was won by BENNETT.
Mar 27th 1872: PURCHASE OF THE GAS WORKS – It is generally understood that in consequence of representations made to the Local Government Board in London, Mr. MORGAN will be directed to hold a second enquiry on the question of the purchase of the Gas Works.
Mar 27th 1872: THUNDERSTORM – During the fall of snow here on Saturday afternoon a tremendous flash of lightening, followed by an alarming clap of thunder, startled the inhabitants. A considerable amount of damage was done in the neighbourhood. The electric telegraph wires were injured, trees were stripped, and a great many windows were broken in various parts of the town. Fortunately no one was injured.
Mar 30th 1872: THE REV. ROBERT MOFFATT – This venerable African missionary delivered a most interesting address at the Town-hall, on Tuesday evening. Mr. T. DASHWOOD, J.P., occupied the chair, and the hall was crowded. On the following morning the annual breakfast of the Young Men’s Christian Association took place at the Town-hall, when nearly 100 persons were present, Mr. MOFFATT being among the number. Mr. MOFFATT is raising subscriptions for the purpose of training native teachers as missionaries in Africa.