March 1907
Isle of Wight Times & Hampshire Gazette
March 14th 1907: BICYCLE ACCIDENT – Master Eric MARVIN of 9 Union-street, was rather seriously cut about the face by coming into collision with a dog-cart whilst cycling in High-street on Wednesday.
March 14th 1907: TEA & ENTERTAINMENT – On Thursday the newsagents of Ryde kindly gave their second annual tea and entertainment to the newsboys of Ryde at the Oddfellows Hall. Tea was provided at 7.30 in the evening and about 40 boys did full justice to the tea.
March 14th 1907: POSTMEN’S PETITION – A petition was received from the Ryde Postmen asking the Council to give their consent to the suspension of the 6.15 p.m. delivery of letters on Thursday. It was a half holiday and very little business was done.
March 14th 1907: FIRE ALARMS – Councillor HANSFORD took exception to the payment of £33.5s. to the National Telephone Company for fire alarms on the public lamps, as he considered them quite unnecessary. Councillor TEAGUE, chairman of the Fire Brigade Committee, said they had been found to be very useful.
March 14th 1907: ADVERT – VANNER’s Old Established Job and Posting establishment, for rubber tyre Landaus, Broughams, Victorias, Coaches, Char-a-bancs, Brakes, Private omnibuses, Drags, Waggonettes, for large or small parties. Grey horses and private carriages for weddings. Omnibuses to any part of the town, fare 6d. Funeral cars of all description at modest charges. E. VANNER, proprietor. Office 13 John-street. Stables at Newport-street. Telephone 0140.
Isle of Wight County Press
March 2nd 1907: AUDITORS ELECTION – The annual election of auditors for the borough of Ryde took place yesterday at the Town Hall. Messrs. LUCKMAN and TRENT were presiding officers, and Messrs. G. STAMP and G. BARBER, poll clerks. Elected were H. STEWARD 292 votes, and MUNT 279 votes.
March 2nd 1907: MISSION MEETING – We are informed that the survivors from the recent lifeboat disaster will be present at the meeting in aid of the Royal Mission for Deep Sea Fishermen on Wednesday next.
March 9th 1907: EDUCATION COMMITTEE – Acting on the advice of the Medical Officer of Health, the School Management Sub-Committee had closed the Infants department of the St. John’s School, from 18th February, but he was now of the opinion it would be alright to re-open it from Monday next. There were practically no illnesses in the town at the present time.
March 16th 1907: REFERENCE LIBRARY – An excellent room it is, which has been provided for the plans from the Borough Surveyor (Mr. C. MATHEW) out of the old Market, for the reference library. The walls have been lined with cases and Alderman MILLWARD is anxious for help to add to the number of books which have already been received.