March 1908
Isle of Wight Observer
Mar 7th 1908: WHIST – Teams representing Ryde Conservative Working Men’s Club and Ryde Liberal Club, engaged in a friendly game of Whist on Monday evening at the rooms of the former, resulting in a win for the Liberals 236-230.
Mar 7th 1908: FUND – The Crimean and Mutiny Veteran’s Fund is not being very well supported in Ryde and an appeal is made on behalf of these men who rendered such valuable aid to their country.
Mar 14th 1908: GREATEST SOLDIER – An interesting debate took place at the Y.M.C.A. on Thursday evening, in connection with the Y.M.C.A. Literary & Debating Society, the topic being “Who was the greatest British General.” Mr. F. BARKER thought that WELLINGTON was entitled to the honour, but the claims of WOLFE and MARLBOROUGH were urged by Messrs. E. PARKER and W. RHODES.
Mar 14th 1908: PIER REGATTA – The annual meeting was held at the esplanade waiting room on Friday evening last, Mr. J. BREBNER (hon. treasurer) presiding. A new committee was appointed, those who were supposed to have favoured the illuminations of the Western Esplanade instead of the Pier, being carefully excluded.
Mar 14th 1908: CLEVER INVENTION – Mr. Ernest ROSE, of Green-street, Ryde, has just taken out a patent for an appliance for enabling the deaf to hear. Mr. ROSE himself is very deaf. The result is an extremely efficient instrument.
Mar 21st 1908: NEW CONSTABLE – Before the Mayor and Borough Justices on Monday, Frank TARRANT was sworn in as a 3rd class constable for the Borough.
Mar 21st 1908: OUTBREAK OF FIRE – Early on Sunday, Mr. S. C. SAPSWORTH, Superintendent of the Fire Brigade, was awakened by the smell of smoke which was rising from the floor of his room. On opening the door he found that the downstairs living room of his premises in St. Thomas-square was ablaze. Damage amounted to £170, but only a third of his stock of sweets and toys was covered by insurance.
Mar 21st 1908: POLICE COURT – There was an unusually large number of summonses heard at the County Police Court on Tuesday, the majority of them being either dog owners or passive resisters.
Mar 21st 1908: MEETING – A local Government Board Inquiry into the application of Ryde Town Council to borrow £330 for purchase of a Steam Fire Engine, is to be held at the Town Hall on Friday afternoon.