Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
  • MENU

March 1909

Isle of Wight Observer

Mar 6th 1909: POOR CHILDRENS BOOTS – By the instrumentality of Messrs. GARRETT, LEIGH, CRABB and others, who recently arranged a very successful affair at the Town Hall, a sum of over £20 was raised for the purpose of providing boots during this season of the year, for poor children. The Chief Constable (Mr. C. GREENSTREET) is superintending the distribution of the boots. The interior of the Police Station has for the last few days, assumed the appearance of a boot and shoe store.

Mar 6th 1909: BAND OF HOPE – The annual meeting of the Wesleyan Branch Band of Hope was held in the schoolroom, Garfield-road, on Tuesday last. Mr. JONES presided and an address was given by the Rev. R. B. SAUL.

Mar 6th 1909: TOWN COUNCIL – On Tuesday at a meeting of the Ryde Town Council, it will be recommended that a water rate of 4d. in the pound be levied. This is an entirely new rate as the expenditure in connection with the Water Works has always been included in the General District Rate.

Mar 6th 1909: LICENSED – A public service of motor char-a-banc, in and out of Ryde, has been licensed.

Mar 13th 1909: THEFTS FROM TOBACCONIST – At the Police Court on Friday, a scullery man at the Royal Pier Hotel, was charged with having on March 8th, stolen from a shop at 76 Union-street, two briar pipes, one clay pipe, one briar cigarette holder, one packet of cigarettes and eight cigars valued 6s.2d.

Mar 13th 1909: ADVERTISING ASSOCIATION – It is said that more interest is being taken by Ryde people in the excellent work of the Advertising Association, but the attendance at the meeting on Tuesday shows that the majority are indifferent with regard to it.

Mar 13th 1909: RYDE MUSICAL SUCCESS – In the series of competitions held in connection with the “British Bandsman”, a well-known musical periodical, a further success has fallen to Ryde. Not long ago Mr. W. E. GALLEY received a prize; now Mr. R. P. EARL has been awarded second place in a competition for best original piece of music adapted to the hymn “At Even E’er.”

Mar 13th 1909: BOXING CONTESTS AT RYDE – The Theatre Royal was well filled on Friday night last, on the occasion of a series of Boxing Contests arranged by Tom BUTT, the ex-heavyweight champion, and P.O. TURNER, of H.M.S. King Edward, ex-lightweight champion of the Navy.

Mar 20th 1909: OPERATIC SOCIETY – There are proposals on foot to start an amateur Operatic Society in Ryde.

Mar 20th 1909: EXTRAORDINARY OMMISSION – When the new artiste’s room at the Town Hall was completed, it was found that the fireplace had been forgotten.

Mar 20th 1909: NURSING ASSOCIATION – It is hoped that the Ryde and District Nursing Association will be as successful this year as it was last, in raising money to carry on its invaluable work. Balance for last year was £527.2s.10d.

Isle of Wight Times

Mar 11th 1909: POLICE – The Watch Committee reported that P.C. ORCHARD has been awarded his third Merit Star, 22 months in advance, for having rendered exceptionally good service during his term of thirteen years, and upon recommendation of the Chief Constable, and they reaffirmed that their action be approved.

Mar 18th 1909: RUSSIAN VISITORS – The visiting Russian Squadron arrived at Spithead at about half past two on Tuesday morning and dropped anchor off Ryde. Soon after 8 o’clock the five ships fired a salute of twenty-one guns in honour of the Nation, which was returned by the batteries at Portsmouth.