March 1910
Isle of Wight Observer
Mar 5th 1910: POPULAR CONCERT – Mrs. Violet LANE will be the vocalist at the popular concert on Monday. Among her songs will be Stephen ADAMS’ “Idle Words.” One of the instrumental items will be a “petite suite” for strings, composed by Mr. J. C. BEAZLEY, the well-known Ryde musician, which will be performed for the first time by the R.M.A. Band.
Mar 5th 1910: CHILDREN’S PARTIES – The recent temporary closing of the Royal Naval College at Osborne has elicited an emphatic protest with respect to the modern rage for gaiety during the Christmas holidays. A well-known Physician has often remarked that if parents were wise they would not be quite so ready to allow their children to attend parties, where a large number of people assemble in ill-ventilated rooms and the germs of infectious diseases find ready victims.
Mar 5th 1910: A WHIST DRIVE – was held at the Holy Trinity Institute on Tuesday evening, a large number of members participating. Prizes were won by P. BUCKETT, F. CRABB, F. STRIPP, C. MOODY, and G. CRONE. Consolation prizes went to J. R. DIXON and T. B. BEVIS.
Mar 5th 1910: AUDITORS – Royal I.W. County Council, in the absence of Mr. C. LANGDON, Mr. G. R. BRIGSTOCKE proposed the re-election of Messrs. T. H. CASEY & Sons of Portsmouth, as auditors. Mr. MORPHEY seconded, and it was passed.
Mar 12th 1910: DANGEROUS PLAYGROUND – A child named Joseph SALTER aged 5 years had a narrow escape from death on the railway at St. John’s Station on Saturday last. With his brother Robert aged 7 years he was playing in a coal truck in the station yard. An engine in charge of William TOOGOOD, driver, was engaged in shunting operations. The driver saw nothing of the children, but a cry was heard and it was seen that the younger boy had been run over, his left foot became jammed between the rail and the flange of the engine wheel. The boy was conveyed to the Infirmary.
Mar 12th 1910: NEW TAILOR-MADES – Fine navy serge tailor-mades are having an immense vogue this Spring, for the most part decorated with black silk braid in divers widths, and big black braided buttons. The pleated skirt still obtains, and is usually a success, but coats are decidedly eccentric.
Mar 12th 1910: SOLENT STEAMER COLLISIONS – The Solent Steampackets seem to be rather unfortunate, another of them, the Princess Margaret, having been damaged in collision. Early on Thursday evening the mailboat Princess Margaret with Captain REALE in command, left the Harbour Pier for Ryde and went out in the middle of the stream to turn. She was caught by the strong tide and carried on to the destroyer Crane, which was laying at the Magnet’s buoy near the Victory. The steamer tore a hole in the destroyer’s stern.
Mar 12th 1910: EDUCATION COMMITTEE – The Works and Buildings Sub-Committee reported: The Managers of the Oakfield Gassiot (Girls) Schools have agreed to pay half the amount of the account for water supplied to that School during the half year ended September 1909, and to provide a separate pipe to the caretakers residence.
Mar 12th 1910: SKATING CARNIVAL – On Wednesday the Ryde “Rinkers” gave a gentleman’s invitation fancy dress skating carnival at the Pier Pavilion, Ryde, commencing at 10 pm. Numerous novel competitions took place including – ping pong, ladies; quarter mile handicap, gents; musical chairs, ladies.
Mar 19th 1910: RE-FLOATING A BARGE – A barge has been in use for carrying the pile-driving machine working in the construction of a new slipway at the Pier Head. The vessel was so heavily laden that she has sunk several times lately. Her submersion occurred last week, but she was successfully raised on Tuesday morning.
Mar 19th 1910: NEGLECTED SPOTS – As a frequent visitor but a comparative stranger to Ryde, I am much surprised to see so many good residences in the best parts of the town unoccupied and having the appearance of neglected condition of long standing. I have heard the sad explanation of the effect of the exodus of Royalty from Osborne in emptying these houses and of the paucity of applicants since that time…..yours.. INDIFFERENT.
Mar 26th 1910: ST. HELENS URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL – The Committee recommended that Mr. VALVONA’s application to register Wellington House, Oakfield, as a common lodging house, be granted, subject to the sleeping accommodation of separate sexes being to the satisfaction of the Surveyor.