March 1912
Isle of Wight Observer
Mar 2nd 1912: DICKENS LECTURE – At the meeting of the G.F.M. Literary and Debating Society on Tuesday Mr. H. C. FOWLER gave a lecture entitled “An Evening with Dickens” interspersed with extracts from the great author’s works, which he gave with much power. Mr. EAMES and Mr. HOLBROOK gave character sketches of Scrooge, Fagin and others.
Mar 2nd 1912: IMPROVEMENTS – There are numerous improvements that could be made in the vicinity of the Canoe Lake at no very great expenditure. Some attention to the footpath and road round the lake would make it a pleasanter promenade.
Mar 2nd 1912: BAND – The reappearance of the Royal Marine Artillery Band at the Popular Concert, on Monday, after their absence at the Dunbar, will attract a large audience.
Mar 9th 1912: OFF TO CANADA – A smoking concert arranged for the purpose of saying farewell to Mr. F. GRINHAM and Mr. T. IBBOTSON of the firm of Messrs. W. H. SMITH and Son, who are leaving shortly for Canada, was held at Sivier’s Hotel, on Thursday evening. Mr. ANDREWS the local manager presented GRINHAM and IBBOTSON with a purse of money subscribed by the employees and a number of customers.
Mar 16th 1912: SAILING CLUB REVIVED – It has been desired to revive the Sailing Club in Ryde, which has for some years been allowed to lapse. It is decided to call the club the Corinthian Sailing Club. There will be a nominal subscription and entrance fee. The Ryde Sailing Club has been latent for the last four years, and it is decided to offer the new club the use of the appurtenances belonging to the Ryde Club, and if possible, to amalgamate the two organisations.
Mar 16th 1912: GOLF SCHOOL FOR RYDE – For many years the piece of land at the end of the Strand has been anything but a beauty spot and has long offended the eye. We now learn that the ground is to be laid out by Mr. C. W. JACOBS, the well-known professional of the I.W. Golf Club at St. Helens, for a golf school, under the control of the Ryde Corporation. Mr. JACOB’s sons will assist him as instructors.
Mar 23rd 1912: LETTER TO THE EDITOR – Sir, Now that the untidy piece of land at the corner of the Strand has been taken in hand, would it not be a good thing to place a tablet there to commemorate that a number of men wrecked in the “Royal George” are buried in this spot….. B.M. CAREY, Westfield Cottage, Ryde.
Mar 23rd 1912: COAL STRIKE – It is believed that the coal strike will probably have the effect of reducing the number of visitors to the Island this Easter.
Mar 30th 1912: A BOY’S PET – County Magistrates lent a sympathetic ear to the defence put forward by a youth named WILLIAMS who was summoned for failing to take out a license for his dog. The lad had been saving up for some time to pay for the license for his dog, of which he was extremely fond. Unfortunately the lad’s brother was taken to Haslar Hospital in a dying state and WILLIAMS spent the money he had saved for the licensing in visiting his brother.
Mar 30th 1912: SLIGHT FIRE – The newly-organised Fire Brigade promptly turned out on having their first call, at one o’clock on Saturday morning last. They mustered under Superintendent HAMMOND and arrived at 5 Bank Place, a small cottage in the occupation of Mr. Hugh SCOVELL to find the flooring and one of the walls alight. Damaged is estimated at about £3 to £5.