March 1914
Isle of Wight Observer:-
Mar 7th 1914: ELECTRICAL EXHIBITION – The Isle of Wight Electric Light and Power Co. Ltd., opened an Electrical exhibition at 24 Union-street, Ryde, on Tuesday and the exhibition remained open until Friday. It was held to show the inhabitants the uses to which electricity can be put to in private homes as well as hotels and boarding houses, for lighting, heating and cooking.
Mar 7th 1914: PAINTING – An extremely interesting series of lectures on “Painting in Japan” is being given by Mr. Stuart DICK at Trinity Hall. Despite the fact that things Japanese—genuine and otherwise—have a considerable vogue in this country, it is doubtful whether many people realize what is meant by the art of Japan.
Mar 7th 1914: BILLIARDS – Mr. H. G. NUTT and Mr. T. S. MELLANBY played a match of 600 up at the Trinity Club on Wednesday evening in the presence of a large gathering. The former endeavoured to concede 200 points but could not do 50, and Mr. MELLANBY won by 53.
Mar 7th 1914: RED CROSS – The first practice of the Men’s Detachment Red Cross Society took place on Tuesday at the Town Hall under Dr. Spencer CHURCHILL. The detachment will meet each Tuesday and a few members are required to make it up to full strength.
Mar 14th 1914: LICENCE – The General Purposes Committee report said that they have granted a hackney carriage (omnibus) licence to William PEARCE, provided he replace the dilapidated bus lately owned and licensed by Walter HARDY, and now by Mr. PEARCE.
Mar 14th 1914: ACCIDENT – An alarming motor accident occurred at Haylands causing serious injuries to two small children, Ethel and Pat HAWKINS, of Salter’s-road. A good number of children play in the streets there. The children were run into by Captain MEARES’ motor car, driven by his chauffeur. The children were taken to the I.W. County Hospital in the car. The girl sustained slight concussion and internal injuries, while the boy’s thigh and rib were broken.
Mar 14th 1914: FIRE AVERTED – What might have been a very serious conflagration, at the stores of Messrs. Mew Bros., glass and china warehouse, 73 Union-street, was averted by the prompt attendance of the Ryde Fire Brigade. Within six minutes of a telephone call, the Brigade, under Superintendent HAMMOND were on the scene. The store at the rear of the building was on fire and was soon extinguished but not before the roof had been cut away.
Mar 14th 1914: SANITARY COMMITTEE – It was recommended that the “closing orders made on the 24th July 1911, on the owner of Nos. 17, 18, 19 and 20 Bank Gardens, High-street, be determined, these dwelling houses having been in their opinion now rendered fit for human habitation.” Motion seconded and carried.
Mar 21st 1914: AMBULANCE – The new motor ambulance, which has been built for the I.W. County Hospital has been on view during the present week, and has been taken to various towns and villages. It is well designed and is attractive in appearance, the outside being painted dark blue and red. The interior contains the necessary surgical appliances and requirements for patients.
Mar 21st 1914: ORPHANS – An Election of Orphans will take place on Wednesday May 27th at 3pm. Forms of nomination together with all necessary information as to certificates and payment may be obtained at the Asylum. All papers must be sent to the Hon. Sec not later then Friday April 17th and the candidates will be required to appear before the Committee at the Hants Female Orphan Asylum, Southampton, on Wednesday April 22nd 1914 at 3pm.