March 1919
Isle of Wight Observer:
Mar 1st 1919: DANCING – About 150 guests attended the military ball at the Town Hall last (Friday) night. According to the “Dancing Times” dancing revivals always follow big wars. It was towards the end of the Napoleonic wars that waltzing was introduced, and was thought to be most indecent and improper.
Mar 1st 1919: HOUSING – A local Government Board Inspector is paying a visit to Ryde next week, presumably on the housing question. This will be a pretty formal matter so far as this borough is concerned, though it is not so in Binstead and other adjoining villages. The question of acquiring the land for new housing is the stumbling block. Many consider some of the big houses might be pulled down to provide the material for such as are more in request.
Mar 1st 1919: BRACING AIR – According to medical opinion Ozone is one of the finest preventives of influenza. A daily constitutional to the Pier Head and back is regarded as distinctly advantageous.
Mar 1st 1919: OUTDOOR SPORTS – The Golf School on the Esplanade is likely to be in much request as there is every indication of a great revival in outdoor sports. The Bowling Club will also be flourishing again. Capt. ALEXANDER spoke of a big fortnight’s competitions if they can be arranged in time.
Mar 8th 1919: ALLOTMENTS – There has been such an eager demand for one or two allotments to let near the Recreation Ground that the applicants will have to draw lots. This is a healthy sign and rather discounts the pessimism of the county lecturer at the Town Hall recently, so far as Ryde is concerned.
Mar 8th 1919: FAIRIES – Many people wondered who the young fairies were that were being brought from Seaview in the motor bus on Tuesday. The secret was disclosed when the bus stopped near the Parish Church. Of course, they were candidates for confirmation in their nice white veils. Judged by his remarks to the young people the venerable Bishop of Southampton enjoys an innocent novel. Why not?
Mar 15th 1919: EMPLOYMENT – Mr. WEEKS has his work cut out in interviewing his “clients” at the Labour Exchange. A long queue outside every morning reminds us of the food queues of tender memory. If there are all those waiting for employment in a town like Ryde, what must it be in bigger places.
Mar 15th 1919: SPECIALS – The services of the night “Specials” are no longer required. Though they are demobilised, their names will be retained for the purpose of a reserve in case of emergency—a small riot for instance. Their services have been invaluable.
Mar 15th 1919: WAR ITEM – A good many of the men from this district, who have been demobilised have returned to their civilian occupations, but it is certain that there will be a good deal of dislocation before matters are brought up to anything like a pre-war standard, and employers are requested in the meantime to send particulars of their requirements to the Labour Exchange.
Mar 22nd 1919: ENTERTAINMENT – Mr. Terry WOOD was complimented upon his enterprise in bringing the renowned KYASHT to Ryde. This eminent danseuse has only appeared at Worthing and a few other of the select seaside resorts which is all the more flattering to Ryde.
Mar 29th 1919: CLOCKS – We must all put our clocks and watches on an hour tonight (Saturday) when according to the Daylight Saving Act summer time is commencing. “Oh, the irony of it” we hear many say if they face the stormy blasts like the past week or so.
Mar 29th 1919: FLIGHTS – Flying boats promise to make south coast resorts very lively in the coming summer. In the scheme, small flying boats at each resort to make occasional trips; a passenger service between the different towns; larger machines available in 20-minutes’ for flights to any part of the country.