Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
  • MENU

March 1921

Isle of Wight Observer:

Mar 5th 1921:  MOTOR ENGINEER’S CLAIM – A case was heard at the County Court on Wednesday in which H. HAPGOOD, John Street, Ryde, motor engineer, sued Thomas and Fanner, of Sandown, for £91. 0s. 3d. for work done and material supplied in connection with the overhauling of the motor char-a-banc, “Sandown Queen.”  There was practically no defence and judgment was given for the amount claimed, and costs.

Mar 5th 1921:  GIFTS – Mrs HOWARD BROOKE has presented to All Saints’ a pair of very handsome standard candlesticks of beaten brass, in memory of her late husband, Col. HOWARD BROOKE, which will be dedicated on Easter Eve.  Gifts of a small processional cross and cope for festival use, by anonymous donors, have also been made.  more about Mrs Howard Brooke here

Mar 5th 1921:  SAD CASE – Before the Borough Bench on Saturday was Kate WHITE, 38, of no fixed abode, she was charged with acting as a pedlar without a certificate; also for allowing her three children aged 10, 7, and 4 years, to be in Daniel-street for the purpose of inducing the giving of alms.  P.C. PULLINGER saw accused with her children going from house to house, offering for sale seed lavender.  She told the Bench she was a widow and was selling lavender to get a few coppers to buy food for the children.  The Magistrates directed the woman and children to be remanded to the Workhouse.

Mar 5th 1921:  UNVEILING CEREMONY – Maj.-Gen. SEELY, D.S.O., M.P., has promised to unveil, and the Bishop of Southampton to dedicate, the Memorial outside All Saints’ Church on Friday the 11th at 3.30 pm.  Relatives of those whose names appear on the memorial are invited to the enclosure.  On account of the increase in wages, materials, etc., the expenditure will be considerably greater than the estimates foreshadowed.

Mar 12th 1921:  FADS – Another fad is being adopted by the Ministry of Health who are sending out communications to local authorities with regard to ladies bathing costumes.  These are to be from the neck downwards, to at least four inches above the knee.  Doubtless it is warmth that is intended by the Ministry, nothing more of course.  It is suggested the sea should be heated by means of geysers.  Taxpayers pay heavily for all these fads.

Mar 12th 1921:  INSURANCE – Evidently the Cemetery Committee have an eye to the value of their property as they have effected new fire insurance policies as follows: Chapel £800, mortuary £400, tool shed and contents £150, total £1350.

Mar 12th 1921:  STREET COLLECTIONS– The Watch Committee have granted a permit to Mr. Arthur JAMES, Prince-street, for street collections and a “Penny Trail” in Union-street, on Easter Monday in aid of the District Nursing Association.  more about Mr Arthur James here

Mar 19th 1921:  MUSIC FOR RESTAURANT – Application was made by Mr. A. J. SHAPLAND, 19 Union-street, at the police court for a music license at the rear of his restaurant at that address.  He said it was required for the playing of a small orchestra (piano and violin) at tea.  The Chief Constable said the place was very suitable for the purpose intended.  It was explained that dancing also went with the license, which was granted but no music on Sundays.

Mar 19th 1921:  SOUTHLANDS – A hostel for ailing children of the Isle of Wight has been opened at Southlands Park Road, the Dowager Lady Simeon being the chairman of the committee.

Mar 19th 1921:  TELEPHONE – No members of the community will suffer more than farmers as they are at a good distance from the exchanges and markets. The telephone had just begun to prove an immense boon.  Numbers of farmers say they will go off the telephone altogether and some give figures to show that a trunk call, charged at 3d. before the war, will now be 10½d. an increase of more than 300 per cent.