Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
  • MENU

March 1923

Isle of Wight County Press:

Mar 3rd 1923:  PENALTY KICKS – The practice of players lining up on the penalty line to impede a player when taking a penalty kick, which Mr. T. S. MELLANBY, of Ryde, claims to have introduced, at any rate, into Island football, was considered by the Football Association on Monday.  It was decided that such a practice was not in accordance with the intention of the penalty law, and must be discontinued.

Mar 3rd 1923:  SALE OF A RYDE HOUSE – Mr. Justice EVE, in the Chancery Division, on Wednesday, heard an action brought by John Preedy COLLINS of Freshwater, against Mrs. Maria WHITAKER, of Roscoe, Nelson-street, Ryde, arising out of an alleged agreement to sell the house Roscoe to the plaintiff for £600. The action was dismissed with costs. It was stated that the defendant would release the deposit of £80.

Mar 3rd 1923:  MISSIONARY CONCERT – The annual concert of the missionary branch of the Young Women’s Christian Alliance was held at Garfield House-hall on Tuesday, in aid of Japanese missions.  Miss MCLAREN presided.

Mar 10th 1923:  I.W. PETTY SESSIONS – Over 20 dog owners were summoned for neglecting to renew their dog licences.  In most cases they pleaded that they had overlooked the matter until the constable called, immediately after which, they took out the licence.  One defendant stated that she had only just come to reside in the Island, and had not become accustomed to the strange ways of the Isle of Wight. They were all fined 10s. or seven days.

Mar 10th 1923:  GARDENING NOTES – Mr. Edward G. GOBLE of Walcott Nurseries, said March is a busy gardening month when much seeding takes place.  Owing to the continuous rains it will be impossible to keep up to date, but not necessary for anxiety as drying will take place very rapidly.  To tramp about on land that is sticky is very harmful.

Mar 10th 1923:  POLICE WHIST DRIVE – A whist drive and dance will be held at the Town-hall on Thursday in aid of the Police Orphanage.  There will be nearly 30 prizes.

Mar 10th 1923:  PRIZEGIVING – The annual tea and distribution of prizes in connection with St. James’s Sunday-school took place at the Town-hall on Thursday.  About 300 were present at the tea, served under the direction of Mr. A. G. SALMON, boys’ superintendent, and Miss NEWBOLD, girls’ superintendent. The Superintendent stated that Agnes JAMES, Ethel CRABB, and Edward RUSSELL obtained full marks for the year.

Mar 17th 1923:  ADVERT – Mr. W. H. SALTER (composer), teacher of Piano, Violin, Viola, Cello, and theoretical subjects: preparation for examinations if desired. –Rock Villa, West-street, Ryde.

Mar 17th 1923:  ADVERT – Char-a-banc Driver with knowledge of the Isle of Wight, wanted, previous experience necessary; also Motor Mechanic, willing to drive if required. –Apply W. PEARCE, Park Mews, Ryde.

Mar 17th 1923:  UNEMPLOYMENT – The official returns supplied by the Employment Exchange show that the steady decline of unemployment in the Island continues.  There were 1493 men registered as out of work for the week ended March 13.

Mar 24th 1923:  SALT WATER PUMPING-STATION – The Ryde Borough Council are prepared to receive offers for the purchase of the Salt Water Pumping-station, comprising corrugated iron shed, four iron tanks, girders and gas-engine, at present situated on the Ryde Quay.  Can be inspected by arrangement with the Borough Surveyor.  Offers for the lot as it stands to be delivered to the Town Clerk no later than the 27th inst.