March 1924
Isle of Wight County Press:
Mar 1st 1924: THE HOUSING PROBLEM – There are a shortage of houses and many families are living under conditions that are far from favourable. It must be borne in mind that this is only a local aspect of a great national problem. Things may be bettered, and it is gratifying to see that the local authorities have decided thoroughly to investigate the matter, to see how they may improve the conditions.
Mar 1st 1924: LEAP YEAR BALL – A large number of Ryde folk thronged to the Town-hall on Friday week, where the Leap-year ball, given by E (Cadet) Coy. 5th Hants Regiment, was organised, in aid of the battalion funds. The hall was gaily decorated. Mr. READ’s orchestra provided up-to-date music, and the whole affair was a complete success.
Mar 1st 1924: ACCIDENT – A motorist wheel sped into the Canoe-lake grounds on Monday afternoon, and plunged into the lake. This extraordinary occurrence was the result of a broken front axle, an accident which left Mr. J. H. CARROLL’s car, close to the Appley Refreshment-rooms. After the wheel had been rescued from its watery grave by Mr. A. REEVES the car was towed away.
Mar 1st 1924: PIER SKATING TO CONTINUE – Although the Pier-pavilion was officially closed for skating on Thursday week, owing to the large numbers of disappointed patrons who went to the Pier-head on that occasion, a special invitation for an extra “final” day resulted in a fair attendance of enthusiastic skaters on Thursday. The management have now agreed to open the Pavilion for skating on Thursdays, providing the patrons pay in advance a sum of 5d.
Mar 8th 1924: IRONMONGER’S BEQUEST – The late Mr. Arthur WOODS, of Ryde, manufacturer and furnishing ironmonger, whose estate amounted to £13,896 net, left £2000 to his servant, Nellie Kezia GROVES. More about Mr. Arthur Woods here
Mar 8th 1924: PROPERTY AUCTION – A very successful sale was held at Town-hall chambers on Monday, when there was a crowded saleroom. Messrs. WALLIS, RIDDETT, and Co., sold Westbourne Lodge, John-street, a leasehold residence free of ground-rent, with gardens and stabling, for £1223. Vacant possession is given on completion by the vendor, the executor of the late Arthur WOODS.
Mar 8th 1924: DARING DAYLIGHT ROBBERY – A particularly impudent robbery was perpetrated on Dr. MACKENZIE, of Ryde, on the afternoon of February 21st. Thorough investigations were at once put in hand by the police, with the result that the missing articles were recovered from pawnbrokers at Portsmouth within a remarkably short time. It appears that a man walked boldly into Dr. MACKENZIE’s consulting-rooms, seized three silver cigarette-cases, and two silver match-boxes, and made off at once. More about Dr. Mackenzie here
Mar 15th 1924: RUMMAGE SALE – organised by Mr. A. A. HELLAND at Trinity-hall on Wednesday, raised £20 for the Holy Trinity day-schools. The goods were disposed of in record time. Messrs. A. J. WILLIAMS and R. C. GOBLE gave great assistance at the sale.
Mar 15th 1924: R.M.A. BAND CONCERT – It has been decided to arrange another band concert at the Town-hall, in spite of the fact that there was a deficiency of over £6 in connection with that held on January 24, largely owing to the bad weather. It is proposed to having over the full string band of the R.M.A.
Mar 15th 1924: STREET IMPROVEMENTS – In view of the heavy programme of road-tarring during the half-year the Town Council have decided that Monkton-street shall be the only street to be re-metalled during this period. Kerbing and paving part of Lind-street has been completed at a cost of £310.