Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
  • MENU

March 1925

Isle of Wight County Press:

Mar 7th 1925:  POPULAR INVITATION DANCE – The assistants of Messrs. Hill’s Stores gave an invitation dance on Tuesday, when about 80 dancers were present.  Mr. A. J. WILLIAMS was M.C., and thanked the hosts.  Mr. Bertram HILL replied. Music was supplied by Miss F. LEAKIN (piano) and Mr. E LEAKIN (violin).

Mar 7th 1925:  CYCLIST INJURED – Joseph DENNIS, labourer, of Reed-street, Oakfield, was taken to the County Hospital on Saturday afternoon as a result of severe injuries received in a street accident.  Whilst cycling down St. John’s-road he was involved in a collision with a car driven by Mr. J. C. PHILLIPS, of Ryde.  The cycle and the car were very much damaged.

Mar 7th 1925: BINSTEAD FOOTBALL SOCIAL – The social held on Wednesday at the Parish-hall in aid of the Football Club proved a great success.  Mr. A. H. BAILEY was M.C. Miss H. HERBERT presided at the piano, and songs were sung clearly by Mr. P. BEAVIS and Mr. RATSEY.  The Hon. Secretary of the Club (Mr. HAYWOOD) was responsible for the arrangements.

Mar 14th 1925:  LICENSING SESSION – The adjourned Licensing Session for the Borough of Ryde took place on Monday, when the three beerhouses which had been referred—those of the Greyhound, the Malt & Hops, and the Wolseley—were considered.  After a long deliberation the Bench renewed that of the last-mentioned house, and referred the other two for compensation.

Mar 14th 1925:  SWANMORE PARENTS’ ORGANISATION – About 30 parents attended a protest meeting held on Friday week at St. Michael’s Church rooms, as a result of the County Education Committee’s proposal to establish a senior school at the Bettesworth-road-school, and transfer some pupils to St. John’s-road lower-school.  The proposed alteration will affect 64 children.  It was proposed to move those under 11 to St. John’s-road, and to retain those over that age at Bettesworth-road.

Mar 14th 1925:  MOTHER’S UNION – Mrs. BLAKE president of the East Wight section of the Mother’s Union, presided at a meeting held at the Town-hall on Monday, when the Vicar (the Rev. Hugh Le FLEMING) was the speaker.  He said that nowadays meetings were attended by more women than ever, and he considered this a good sign.

Mar 14th 1925:  ADVERTISEMENT – The Theatre Royal, Ryde, Twice Nightly, week commencing March 16th: POLA NEGRI in “The Spanish Dancer,” with ANTONIO MORENO. A romantic melodrama about a gipsy dancing girl.

Mar 21st 1925:  COUNTY BENCH – John DYER, a young labourer, of Ryde, was summoned for poaching in February, on the estate of Mr. E. CARTER, J.P.—Hector SALMON, woodman employed by Mr. CARTER, said he saw defendant and another man in Rowlands-wood at 4 o’clock in the afternoon.  Both ran away, but he succeeded in catching the defendant.  The other man had since been identified and convicted. Defendant, who pleaded guilty, was fined 10s.

Mar 21st 1925:  WEDDING – The marriage arranged between Lieut. C. L. HOWE, R.N. (H.M.S. Argus) and Miss E. Gwendoline FARDELL will take place quietly at St. John’s Church, Ryde, on April 25th, at 2 p.m.  All friends are invited to the church.

Mar 28th 1925:  CLAIM AGAINST RYDE TOWN COUNCIL – A special meeting of the Ryde Town Council was held on Friday week to receive a report from the General Purposes Committee as to a claim by the executors of Mr. R. H. CLARKE, who died following a fall from the Corporation bathing-stage last August.  The committee recommended the adoption of the suggestion that the Council should pay £300 into court with a denial of liability.