March 1973
Isle of Wight County Press:
Mar 3rd 1973: VECTIS BOATING CLUB – The annual meeting of the club was held at the London Hotel, Ryde, on Thursday week. Some 40 members were present. Mr. E. LONG referred to the Association of Sports Clubs which had been formed in Ryde and to which the Vectis Club was giving full support. Two new boats were being acquired, one in the completed state and the other a fibre-glass shell which was being completed by members.
Mar 3rd 1973: PLAN OPPOSED – The Executive Committee of the Island Branch of the Council, after consideration, decided to oppose the Ryde airport development project planning application in writing to the County Council, on a number of amenity grounds.
Mar 3rd 1973: STRIKE – The stoppage by train drivers affected the Shanklin to Ryde line and all services were cancelled. Ferries to the mainland were unaffected, but passengers on the Ryde to Portsmouth passenger ferry were faced with the almost half-mile walk along the pier to reach the boats. The strike was in support of A.S.L.E.F.s claim for a £9.25 a week increase in basic pay.
Mar 3rd 1973: HOSPITAL STRIKERS – The hospital ancillary workers’ strike, which started on Thursday, was described as a “scandalous disruption.” The Island was not yet feeling the effects, but no one could tell how long the strike would go on, meanwhile the 3-400 workers would be operating under a policy of non-co-operation.
Mar 3rd 1973: EFFICIENCY TROPHY – Ryde and district branch of the Royal Air Forces Association, has been awarded the South-Eastern area’s trophy for 1972. The area efficiency trophy is awarded to the branch considered to be the most efficient in membership, administration, accountancy and fund-raising activities.
Mar 10th 1973: CLEARING – Appreciation of the efforts of young people in clearing under-growth at St. John’s Cemetery, Ryde, was expressed by the Rev. N. H. CROWDER, vicar, at the annual meeting of St. John’s Church at the Church Hall last week. The vicar paid tribute to the young people’s work, and said they had given a “lift” to many people in the parish, not only those with relatives buried there, but many more to whom an eyesore was a blot on God’s world.
Mar 10th 1973: WIGHT BOWMEN – The Island archery club based at Ryde, have been placed first in the County Press sports awards scheme and receive £75. There were 16 entries from a variety of organisations in various parts of the Island.
Mar 10th 1973: APOLOGIES – Ryde Taxi Proprietors’ Association wish to apologise for the inconvenience caused by the Council’s decision to situate the taxi rank out of site and at some distance from the main entrance to the Esplanade Station. We will, however, endeavour to pick up and set down passengers with heavy luggage (O.A.P.s especially) as near as possible to the station without breaking any traffic by-law.
Mar 17th 1973: RYDE EXHIBITION – Largest and the most fascinating of water colours of old Japan on view at the Ryde gallery, George Street library, is Tokyo Bridge, painted by Mrs. Kathleen THOMPSON. This animated scene in all its detail was painted in a week. More than 40 pictures are on view, all of them painted by Mrs. THOMPSON, who makes no pretence of having been to Japan.
Mar 17th 1973: MUSICAL SOCIETY – The second concert to be presented by the newly-formed musical society at Ryde School took place last week. The Ryde School Sixth-Form Singers sang two of the regimental choruses and the School Orchestra contributed music under the direction of Miss Gwenifer EVANS.
Mar 17th 1973: RYDE PIER REPAIR – The promenade section of Ryde pier, which was sliced in two when the British Rail ferry Shanklin collided with it in thick fog early on Friday week, is fully expected to be fully restored in time for the Easter holiday traffic. While the work was proceeding, arrangements were being made as quickly as possible to provide a by-pass to the affected section.