March 1975
Due to files not being available for 1975, we have substituted with March 1960 news.
Isle of Wight County Press:
Mar 5th 1960: CATERING EXHIBITION – The ninth annual Island catering exhibition, which opened at the Royal York Hotel, Ryde, on Monday and ended yesterday, provided a blend of well-tried equipment and produce and the latest introductions to the trade. It was opened by the Mayor (Lt.-Col. LEWER) who was accompanied by the Mayoress. The Mayor and Mayoress afterwards sampled steaks grilled in four minutes on the Colwin red-ray griller, the newest and most fascinating exhibit.
Mar 12th 1960: WALKING CHALLENGE – Mr. G. A. GAMBLE (55), of 8 Prince Street, Ryde, has accepted the challenge of Mr. W. ZUBER (60), proprietor of the Café Suisse, Ventnor, for a walk round the Island coastline by anyone over 50.
Mar 12th 1960: AWARD FOR RYDE MAN – Mr. Bryan GREAVES (22), of 82 Pellhurst Road, Ryde, has been made a Companion of the Order of Knights of the Road—an order sponsored by the “News of the World”—in recognition of his courtesy and consideration for others users of the road.
Mar 12th 1960: POST OFFICES – This year is the 300th anniversary of the King Charles 11 Act “erecting and establishing a Post Office.” The Postmaster General announcing on Wednesday that there would be a postal week, beginning on Monday next, invited the public to witness the collection, sorting, and delivery processes in post offices throughout the country. In the Island all post offices are taking part in the scheme.
Mar 12th 1960: ORCHESTRAL CONCERT – A concert given by Malcolm DAVIES (pianoforte) and the Dunford Orchestra attracted a large audience to Ryde Town Hall on Thursday. Under the direction of Arthur DUNFORD, the orchestra played with precision and musical feeling which has given them an enviable reputation on the Island and beyond. Particular interest was taken in the performance of Malcolm DAVIES, the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. DAVIES, of Ryde. Now 24, he completes five years as a student at the Royal Academy of Music in July.
Mar 12th 1960: MAYOR-ELECT – Mr. Edgar Harry CASTLE, of Harmony, Arundel Road, Ryde, was appointed Mayor-elect at a special meeting of Ryde Town Council on Tuesday. Mr. CASTLE, deputy mayor for two years, has been a member of the St. John’s Ward since November 1946. The new mayor is a well-known businessman, being in partnership with his brother at the High Street firm of furnishers.
Mar 19th 1960: RUGBY FOOTBALL – The growing interest in Rugby Football among young people in the Island was mentioned by Ald. Mark WOODNUTT, M.P. at the annual dinner and dance of the Island Rugby Football Club in the Hotel Ryde Castle on Friday week. Addressing a record gathering of 120, Ald. WOODNUTT, in proposing the health of the club, congratulated the club on the progress made since it was re-formed in 1948.
Mar 26th 1960: BEQUEST TO LIBRARY – The Education ~Committee were informed that under the will of the late Dr. John DOCKRAY a considerable sum of money would be made available to improve the County Council library services in Ryde. The money would be placed in trust and would be used during the next five years. It is understood that it is hoped to apply the bequest to move the library from its present inadequate premises in Lind Street to the School of Art in George Street, when the County Secondary School vacates the latter premises.
Mar 26th 1960: VETERANS’ RUN – Mr. Derek PICKERING, of 12 Cross Street, Ryde, took part successfully in the 24th pioneer run for veteran motor-cycles from Epsom to Brighton on Sunday. Riding a 1902 Dreadnought, he had a trouble-free run and clocked in within standard time. He receives a first-class award. Mr. PICKERING has taken part in the run on at least 15 occasions and has won many awards. The machine he rode was of unusual interest, it was hand-built 58 years ago by Mr. Harold KARSLAKE, a famous moto-cycling pioneer, and it is the only one like it in the world.