May 1864 –
IW Observer:-
May 7th 1864: HIGHWAYS – The East roads leading to St. Clare, Spring Vale, Sea View, and Bembridge, where a large population is springing up, and can their state be worse? At low tide, it is true, Sea View can be reached over the sands tolerably well, but at high tide a plunge must be made into the depths at Lady-bridge; then such a drag to Uplands, it is enough to tear a horse all to pieces.
May 7th 1864: LITERATURE – Dick’s Shakespeare:Two plays for a penny and well printed too, which is a marvel of cheapness. Who can justifiably set up a plea of ignorance of our Bard after that? Beeton’s Publications, We know nothing equal to the Englishwoman’s Domestic Magazine. The Boy’s Own Magazine also admirably sustains its interest, and is amongst the best of all books.
May 14th 1864: BRAVE ACT – On Saturday last a lad named WILLS was hauling in a boat to the Pier, and overbalancing himself he fell into the water. The accident was noticed by Charles OSMOND, who immediately plunged in and rescued him.
May 14th 1864: TELEGRAPH – A letter received from Mr RATCLIFFE: Sir,—I am instructed by the directors of the Ryde Pier Company to request the permission of the Ryde Commissioners to an opening being made in the Esplanade wall, about three or four feet from the toll-house, for the purpose of giving a convenient access to the new telegraph office, about to be opened close to the entrance of the Pier.
May 21st 1864: WHITSUNTIDE – The excursion trains from London brought an unusually large number of persons, and the weather being fine they enjoyed themselves to their hearts’ content. The Ryde and Portsmouth Steam Company, with their usual liberality charged full fares: but gave passengers the high privilege of strutting the main deck at fore deck charges. Such meanness!
May 21st 1864: BATHING – Ryde Commissioner will hold a meeting as to leasing the bathing land to Mr. Joseph KEMP for bathing purposes, and as to providing additional accommodation for bathers at the bathing stage.
May 21st 1864: EXTRAORDINARY HEAT – During the month of April and the first fortnight in May there was hardly a day without wind having a point of E. in it; But on Sunday it changed to S.W., with great heat, the thermometer rising to 90; and since then the mercury has risen to 98.
May 28th 1864: ENTERTAINED – The Rev. W. H. Girdlestone entertained a number of the clergy and friends at his residence, Gwydyr-house, on Tuesday evening last.
May 28th 1864: QUEEN’S BIRTHDAY – This event was celebrated by the floating of the Royal Standard on the top of the Town-Hall, and the determination of our Volunteers to join their comrades in the review on Southsea-common.
May 28th 1864: BANKRUPT – Samuel YOUNG, Ryde, tailor, to surrender at the Bankrupts’ Court, London, June 7, at 12 o’clock. Mr. T. H. URRY, solicitor.
May 28th 1864: DELUSION – There is a scarecrow in the garden of the Hon. Mrs. WHITE at Binstead, and as a proof that such a thing is a delusion to the person only who sets it up, a wren has built a nest and is sitting in a rent under the arm of the scarecrow’s coat.
May 28th 1864: ORGAN GRINDING – This outrageous summer nuisance has begun. Without leave, these detestable vagrants grind quiet folk to madness; therefore the Commissioners are responsible for these breaches of the peace.