Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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May 1866

Isle of Wight Observer:-

May 5th 1866:  ROYAL VISIT – Within the last few days Her Most Gracious Majesty, accompanied by the  Princess Helena, Prince Arthur, and Prince Christian, visited Sir Charles LOCOCK, Bart., and the delightful grounds at Binstead.  Her Majesty, who has frequently visited the house and grounds, expressed her pleasure at the many improvements recently made by the honorable baronet.

May 5th 1866:  FASHIONABLE INTELLIGENCE – Lady ALEXANDER has left No. 13 Lind Terrace, for Scotland;  Mrs Vivash MASKELYNE has removed from Fountain Villa, Buckingham-road, to Elgin House, George-street;  Capt. and Mr. HOTHAM have taken Emerald Cottage, Wood-street, for three years;  The Earl of Dundonald has arrived at 1 St. James’s Terrace.

May 5th 1866:  FLORICULTURE – Mr. GUY, of the Monkton Nursery, near the railway station, has just issued his spring catalogue of show and fancy geraniums, fuchsias, and other flowering plants for ornamenting the house or the garden.  The variety seems to be choice and excellent.

May 5th 1866:  STRANDED – The schooner Hare, of Wittle, laden with coal, went ashore on the sands on Sunday last, and got very severely damaged.  She was got off on Monday and discharged her cargo, and has now been hauled up for repairs at W. and C. HAYLES’s yard, Fishbourne.

May 5th 1866:  ADVERT – Wellington Tavern, Pier Street, Ryde (opposite the Pier).  William WILSON begs to inform his friends and the public that he has entered on the business, and trusts by selling a first-class article at moderate price to merit and gain a share of patronage.  Wines and Spirits of the best quality. Bottled Ales and Stout.  L. LAKE and Sons’ celebrated Old and Mild Ales;  families supplied with small casks.  Well aired beds.

May 12th 1866:  ARCHERY AND CROQUET CLUB – We have much pleasure in announcing that a new society, with the above title, has just been commenced under very favorable circumstances, having been already joined by most of the leading families in the neighbourhood. These pastimes are deserving of every encouragement; they afford healthful recreation in the open air, and are an elegant and graceful amusement.

May 12th 1866:  BANKRUPTCY – Before the Hon. Spring RICE, Registrar, the bankrupt, John DENHAM, is described as “of No, 15 Star-street, Ryde, in the Isle of Wight, in the county of Hants, builder. The sitting was for the proof of debts and choice of trade assignees.  Total amount of the bankrupt’s debts £1,000.  Cause of the failure is thus set forth, viz., “The executors of the late William COX having refused to complete the purchase of a house they purchased of me.” They had taken possession some years since.

May 19th 1866:  THE SEASON – Probably the cleanliness for which Ryde has been proverbial has never been surpassed, if equalled, to the present time;  every thing that the house decorator and gardener can do has been apparently done, and the town puts a good face upon its prospects.  There is also extra accommodation for the travelling public, but warm weather is the one thing needful.

May 19th 1866:  THE PIER – Arrangements are in progress, we understand, by which the directors of the Pier Company will secure the services of several military bands for the pleasure of the thousands who throng this fashionable promenade during the summer months.

May 19th 1866:  CHRISTY MINSTELS – Two performances were given on Saturday last at the Town-hall by these celebrated artistes, who had taken a tour of the Island under the direction of CONDUIT and CHIGNELL.  They have been extensively patronised throughout, more especially in Ryde.

May 19th 1866:  BATTALION AT NUNWELL – In the fine old park of Nunwell on Monday last, the several Isle of Wight corps to the number of 220 assembled.  As usual, there were a large sprinkling of friends of Sir Henry and Lady OGLANDER on the occasion to view the pleasure of the scene.