May 1868
Isle of Wight Observer:
May 2nd 1868: MUSICAL TREATS – A series of four pianoforte recitals is intended to be given at No. 1 Sydney Terrace on the 11th, 18th, and 25th May, and on the 1st June, by Madame Fraulien LENZINGER, the lady who has accompanied so brilliantly at some of the recent concerts, who will be assisted on these occasions by Mr. FLETCHER, of Southampton.
May 2nd 1868: HORTICULTURE – We see that Mr. Charles GUY, of the Monkton Nursery, has just issued his spring catalogue. There appears to be an endless variety of plants. Attention is especially called to the extensive collection of Show, French, Fancy, and Zonal Geraniums, all of which are well-grown.
May 2nd 1868: REARING SUPPER – The workmen employed in the construction of some new buildings for Mr. C. W. SALTER, in Upper West-street, were hospitably entertained on Monday evening last, at the Bugle inn, where a substantial supper had been provided by Host FAIRALL. Mr. SALTER occupied the chair, and Mr. G. FAIRALL, the builder, the vice-chair. The health of the architect (Mr. R. J. JONES), the chairman, builder, &c., were given and heartily responded by the company.
May 2nd 1868: LETTER TO THE EDITOR – Sir, Regarding poor CRUNDEN, the jockey, who died from the effects of a fall in the late Isle of Wight Steeple Chases. I have commenced a subscription on behalf of his afflicted relatives, the most trifling sum will be thankfully received. It should be borne in mind that this poor fellow met his untimely end in pursuit of a dangerous sport, which though fatal to him, is supposed to afford amusement to the million. Your obedient servant, A. MARSHALL, Captain, Dorset Villa.
May 9th 1868: BATHING PLATFORM – The sands have recently been washed up round it to such an extent that though formerly there was upwards of 5ft. and 6ft. of water at high tide, there are now seldom more than 2ft. It would be much better for decency and for the swimmer if the platform was carried out some 15ft. further into the sea, as bathers are obliged to wade that distance before they reach deep water.
May 16th 1868: CAUTION TO SMOKERS – On Thursday evening, some little alarm was created on the pier by the discovery of a smouldering fire, caused by some person having thrown a lighted fusee between the boards. By the prompt way in which water was poured upon it, the fire was soon extinguished. Smoking on the pier is contrary to the company’s bye-laws, but even if these are infringed, smokers could surely take the trouble to throw their fusees into the water.
May 16th 1868: STAR GYMNASIUM CLUB – Situate in High-street, Ryde, C. BULSTRODE having now complete Parallel Bars, Horizontal Bars, Climbing Poles, Ladders, Hand Rings, Trapeze, and having engaged a professional to teach on Wednesdays, respectfully invites tradesmen to join the club. The attention of the heads of schools is also invited to this amusing and healthful exercise.
May 23rd 1868: INFIRMARY – We are pleased to be able to state that by the will of the late Mr. Robert BAKER, of this town, dated July 1867, the sum of £50 has accrued to the funds of this excellent institution. The thank-offering must be opportune just now, as the prices of all necessaries of life are at their maximum.
May 23rd 1868: RUSTIC SEATS – At Mr. Thomas FAIRALL’s, in the High-street, may be seen some very tastefully constructed rustic seats, of a description which we should like to see more generally placed in the gardens of our nobility and gentry. On one of these is a curious specimen of one of Nature’s freaks in the root of a tree, which is so formed that with a little assistance from art it represents a stag with the hunter standing over it.
May 23rd 1868: FISHING AND SHRIMPING – From what we have been informed those who gain a precarious livelihood by shrimping on our shore will have this season to seek some other occupation, as the young shrimps have nearly all been devoured by a shoal of half-starved and hungry whiting, which are plentiful, but unfortunately are not worth the trouble of catching.