May 1870
Isle of Wight Observer:
May 7th 1870: FASHIONABLE INTELLIGENCE – The Marquis and Marchioness of Exeter have returned to their residence, Brookfield; Sir George and Lady INNES have taken Elmhurst, St. John’s Park, for a year, and will arrive this month; Major and Mrs. BENNETT have taken Percy Lodge for a year.
May 7th 1870: BOAT WRECK – The boat in which the sailor boys some short time ago were wrecked off Ryde shore still remains near the Dover-street slipway, and has become so much beaten about by the waves that to repair her is now out of the question, inasmuch as it would cost more than the worth of her.
May 7th 1870: THE SUNDAY LEAGUE – The society had an excursion on Sunday last, about 700 of whom visited the Island. The day was fine, though cold, so many of the excursionists wandered about the neighbourhood of Ryde. Through some confusion about the tickets, less than 150 went on the Isle of Wight Railway, although special accommodation had been provided for them.
May 14th 1870: RUNAWAY HORSE – On Friday evening a horse, which was left by his driver for a short time near the pier gate, suddenly turned round, and without any apparent cause rushed off at top speed along the Esplanade. After running two or three hundred yards, and very nearly dashing the carriage against a lamp-post, he was stopped just in time to prevent mischief.
May 14th 1870: CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH – We are happy to hear that no time is to be lost in the restoration of this place of worship, our talented townsman, Mr. R. J. JONES, having received the order to prepare designs for a new building. We have already expressed our deep regret that this temple to Almighty God should have been so suddenly and unexpectedly destroyed by the devouring element.
May 21st 1870: PETTY SESSIONS – Thomas TAYLOR, a stout hearty-looking man, but who had lost both his legs, was charged with begging on the Esplanade. It was stated by defendant that he had lost his legs by an accident in a brewery, a large cask of ale had fallen on him. He has no means of support. His method of locomotion was very peculiar, his lower extremities were inserted in a kind of box and he hitched himself along with his hands. The magistrates, as he made a point of visiting Ryde each summer, sentenced him to seven days’ imprisonment.
May 21st 1870: BATHING – An announcement by the Isle of Wight Railway Company states their intention to issue tickets from Ryde to Sandown and back, including the use of bathing machines, at a very reasonable rate, commencing on the first of June. Our visitors can now be accommodated with good bathing both at Sandown and Ryde.
May 28th 1870: THEATRE – For some time it has been determined by the lessee, Mr. BROWN, either to enlarge the present theatre, or to build a new one. Mr. BROWN purchased the property on the opposite side and commenced operations by clearing the ground, with the intention of opening a new theatre with a pantomime at Christmas next. We are happy, however, to hear that instead of building a new theatre on that spot a handsome row of business premises will be erected there, and the owners have disposed of the present theatre to Mr. BROWN, together with the house at the back.
May 28th 1870: BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION – Mine host of the Crown hotel, Mr. J. H. CANDY, had the good fortune to be born on the same day as Her Most Gracious Majesty, the 24th of May, and on Tuesday evening last, in celebration of the event, invited a number of friends to a social supper at the hotel, when an abundance of the good things of life were laid before the guests.
May 28th 1870: GEORGE STREET CHAPEL – On Monday last the plans for the new chapel, designed by Mr. R. J. JONES, were submitted to public inspection, and in the evening a meeting of the congregation was held, when it was agreed to adopt them. The remains of the old chapel will be pulled down.