May 1918
Isle of Wight Observer:
May 4th 1918: ALLOTMENT – The new allotment land in Ashey Road promises to be well cultivated. Considering the amount of assiduous toil being put in by the allotment holders, and the professional style in which the digging and planting operations are being carried on, that particular land should give an enormous yield.
May 4th 1918: AUCTION – The prices at Messrs. PURNELL and PURNELL’s auction sale at High Park Lodge, this week, the residence of the late J. E. ERSKINE Esq., were big—almost colossal. The goods sold were all “good goods” and the genial auctioneer, well—has “a way with him” that inspires big bidding.
May 4th 1918: EXAMINATIONS – Quite a little crowd of men—almost a platoon—journeyed from Ryde to Southampton on Monday for medical examination and regrading. We hear that the examination was an exhaustive and painstaking one and that in almost every case the men were given new classifications.
May 4th 1918: TRAVELLING – The threatened increase in travelling restrictions comes as unwelcome news. As everybody knows the Island has been extremely hard hit already and anything that will still further restrict the journeyings of holiday makers will press very sorely on the Island generally.
May 11th 1918: WARNING – Two unoccupied furnished houses have been recently entered and minor thefts committed, probably by boys. Owners of unoccupied furnished houses would be wise to visit their premises as frequently as they reasonably can, and by doing so, in the event of their houses having been entered, they will materially assist the police in tracing the culprits.
May 11th 1918: RETAIL BUSINESS – Under regulations now in force no new retail businesses may be started or any new shops opened for retail trade without a license from the Ministry of National Insurance.
May 11th 1918: CHILDREN’S HOME – The result of the house to house collection made in Ryde by members of the Free Churches during April in aid of the National Children’s Home and Orphanage, was £23.14s.7½d. The local secretarial arrangements were in the hands of Mr. Harry TAYLOR, 42 Green-street.
May 11th 1918: SEND OFF – A wedding party had a good send off at Ryde Pier on Thursday afternoon. The hooter hooted to good purpose and everybody knew that the boat was carrying a bride and bridegroom—though the happy pair tried real hard to look like an “old married couple.” Their many friends in the town will join in wishing them all they can wish themselves.
May 18th 1918: MILK – The town was to be congratulated on the amount of milk coming into it: the excellent quality was particularly gratifying: there was no real shortage though there might have been one or two isolated cases, though the farmers had had tempting offers to send their milk to the mainland.
May 18th 1918: LICENSES – The General Purposes Committee granted the following licenses for Town Porters: George FISHER, Daniel HUGHES, Frank JONES, Arthur ROGERS, Edward DORE.
May 25th 1918: WHITSUNTIDE – There was lots of people in Ryde for the holiday. All seemed to enjoy themselves hugely and went away well pleased with our charming town—and its people. Two young gentlemen in white “spats” and yellow gloves expressed their opinion (overheard when they were getting on the boat) was “Ryde is a ripping place and there are some topping girls.”
May 25th 1918: ACCIDENT – Mr Henry ARNOLD, the well known dairyman of Marlborough Road, High Park, met with a rather bad accident on Sunday morning. While he was delivering milk at “Thornton” he slipped down a flight of steps and sustained such injuries as will, we are sorry to learn, keep him on the sick list at least a fortnight or three weeks. Happily, no bones were broken. More about Henry Arnold here