Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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May 1924

Isle of Wight County Press:

May 3rd 1924:  THE GATES OF ST. JOHN – This property, which was withdrawn at the auction sale on Friday last, April 25th, has now been disposed of by Messrs. WALLIS, RIDDRTT & Co.

May 3rd 1924:  PAVILION INQUIRY – The public inquiry of the Ministry of Health into the Western Esplanade music pavilion scheme has been fixed for May 14.  Ryde as a whole will surely heave a big sigh of relief when the fate of this scheme so long hanging in the balance—is definitely settled.

May 3rd 1924:  ROLLER SKATING ON THE PIER – concluded for the season on Wednesday with a lively finale, when Mrs. TAYLOR and Miss I. GARDNER invited a number of friends to join in a merry little fancy-dress party.  Several of the most enthusiastic local skaters spent a very enjoyable time in the Pavilion.

May 3rd 1924:  BOWLING BEGINS – The bowling-green at the Eastern Esplanade gardens was re-opened on Thursday, when the Mayor (Ald. ANDREWS), who is president of the Bowling Club, bowled off in a friendly match between the Club members and the Corporation.  The Club proved easy winners.  He Mayor afterwards entertained the players to tea in the Club-house.

May 3rd 1924:  ST GEORGE’S DAY – The Boy Scouts’ Own Day, was commemorated at Ryde on Thursday, by a parade of about 250 Scouts, Guides, Wolf Cubs, Brownies, and Cadets.  Under the supervision of Major Du BUISSON (district commissioner), they fell-in outside the Town-hall.  Led by the bugle bands of the 1st and 2nd troops, the contingent marched to the Parish Church where a service was conducted.

May 10th 1924:  HAYLANDS – Capt. MACDONALD gave his lecture on the British Empire at St. Michael’s-school last week.  Major Du BUISSON presided, and Mr. LIGHT also spoke. Major and Miss BRODIE manipulated the lantern.

May 10th 1924:  INDECENT LANGUAGE – Victor COLYPRIEST, 22, Ryde, was summoned for having used indecent language in the Recreation-ground on April 24th. Alfred HAYCOCKS the Corporation Inspector, stated that he heard the language while in the dressing shed.  COLYPRIEST said “This is a free country and I can say what I like.”  Later defendant told P.S. PALMER that he had his knee cut whilst playing football, and lost his temper.  Fined 10s.

May 17th 1924:  LAMP-STANDARD KNOCKED DOWN – A lamp-standard outside the Wesleyan Church in Garfield-road was accidentally knocked down on Thursday by a motor-car, driven by Mr. E. MUNDEN, of Newport.  Mr. MUNDEN had just left a sale of work in the school, and was turning his car when it struck the lamp-post.

May 24th 1924:  CHANGES AT RYDE COLLEGE – Many parents will regret the departure of Dr. and Mrs. BRAMMALL from Ryde College, which has been taken over by Mrs. MATTHEWS (girls’ department) and Mr. PARKER (boys’).  A few changes in the staff have been made, Miss FEBEN having left.

May 24th 1924; MYSTERIOUS INCIDENT – The verger at Holy Trinity Church (Mr. Alfred BALLARD, of 56 Park-road), was discovered on Tuesday by his wife wandering about in a trance-like condition in the Parish-room beneath the church.  He is said to have muttered something incoherently about having been struck by someone.  He was badly bruised about the head.  The actual cause of his condition, however, remains a mystery.  He has since made considerable progress towards recovery but is able to throw no light on what happened to him.

May 24th 1924:  LICENCE TRANSFER – At the Borough Police Court on Monday the Magistrates present granted a temporary transfer of the licence of the Bodega from Robert A. CUDEFORD to William H. HOWEN.

May 24th 1924:  KINGS MESSENGERS – In connection with this society a sale of work and entertainment was held in Trinity-hall on Thursday.  The arrangements were in the hands of Miss LEIGHTON and her helpers.