Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
  • MENU

May 1973

Isle of Wight County Press:

May 5th 1973:  WOMEN’S INSTITUTE – A reminder to Binstead members that Binstead was entered for the best-kept village competition, was given at a well-attended meeting recently.  It was reported that much work was being done to ensure that the village looked its best.

May 5th 1973:  IMPRESSIVE SINGING – Edward GERMAN’s “Merrie England” may not be fashionable music these days but there is no doubt about its ability to charm and transport the listener back to the halcyon days of the first Queen Elizabeth.  The performance by the All Saints’ Singers, under the direction of their conductor, John LEA, in Ryde School Hall on Saturday, had all the ingredients which go to create an enjoyable evening’s musical entertainment.

May 5th 1973:  WANTED: A 2nd HAND MIRACLE – When the Reverend Mother and Sister Cecilia, of St Therese Presentation Convent, Ryde, were injured in a road crash recently, it was not their own broken bones they were so worried about but the damage to their old car, which was a complete write-off.  Without a car, explained Sister Cecilia, she would no longer be able to visit “her boys” at Albany Prison.  She had been a regular visitor at the prison during the past two years.

May 5th 1973:  THIEF ABOUT – “Watch out, there’s a thief about!” and its not your transistor radio or your money he’s after, its your groceries.  It is surely a sign of the times and the high cost of living when you cannot leave a humble box of groceries on the seat of your parked car and expect to find it there when you return.  That is just what did happen recently.

May 5th 1973:  UNIFORM FUND – As you may be aware the Ryde area is very fortunate in having a local group of talented and dedicated amateur musicians known as the Ryde Borough Band, who devote a large part of their spare time to playing music for the enjoyment of the residents and visitors to Ryde.  Their existing uniforms are worn out and the Borough Council have agreed to lend the band the money to purchase new ones. An appeal fund has been set up and it is hoped that local organisations and the general public will help with contributions.

May 12th 1973:  SPECIAL RADIO PROGRAMME – Many Island Townswomen were tuned to Radio Solent on Thursday week to hear their first 20-minute programme to mark the national T.G. week.  The chairman or vice-chairman of each of the 14 guilds gave details of meeting places and described special classes and activities.

May 12th 1973:  MODIFICATION DEFEATED – Ryde Town Council, have decided in favour of the full £700,000 scheme for Quay Road development, with hover terminal, car and coach park and harbour.  They reached their decision after rejecting an amendment for a modified scheme to cost £550,000.  The scheme includes a re-designed hover terminal pad to meet the requirements of hovercraft operators.

May 12th 1973:  SAND YACHTING – A preliminary trial race was held on Ryde Sand on Sunday morning using a Superstar class III sand yacht.  A triangular course was laid, giving two reaching legs and one windward leg.   A strong offshore wind gusting to over 30 knots meant that there was plenty of practice in running on the wheels “hiking” with high speeds on the seaward part of the course.

May 19th 1973:  SHARK HUNTING – A Ryde angler will be going to Cornwall next month on a four-day shark hunting trip, a special bonus award after his success in a nationwide angling contest.  Mr. R. SMITH will be among a party of sea-fishing award winners making the trip to Looe.

May 26th 1973:  MUSIC FESTIVAL – Three concerts on successive days brought the 43rd I.W. Music Competition Festival to a successful conclusion at Ryde during the weekend.  It had been estimated that some 3000 adults and children took part in nearly 500 classes ranging from solo performances to choral work.  Entries numbered 2259, a record.