November 1859
Isle of Wight Observer
Nov 5th 1859: FASHIONABLE INTELLIGENCE – Mr. MEARS entertained a fashionable and numerous circle at dinner on Thursday at Gwydyr House; Mrs. and Miss BROUGHTON left Ryde on Monday last for Cheltenham; Sir George and Lady WYMER entertained a fashionable party at dinner on Monday evening last.
Nov 5th 1859: COMPLETION OF ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH TO RYDE – An event of an ordinary importance (although it seems to attract little or no attention) has just occurred to the inhabitants and visitors of this town; namely, the completion of the laying of the wire in connection with the Telegraph, via Cowes, Sconce Fort, and Hurst Castle; thus opening a communication instantaneously with all parts of the world within “the magic circle.”
Nov 5th 1859: WHITFIELDS REFRESHMENT ROOMS – A jolly house-warming took place at this renowned restaurant on Thursday, when after a good spread, song, toast and sentiment went round right merrily, and a very pleasant evening was spent.
Nov 12th 1859: RYDE COMMISSIONERS – It was moved by Mr. THURLOW and seconded by Mr. FUTCHER, that the Market House be placed at the disposal of the Rifle Corps after market hours, during the pleasure of the Commissioners, and that the expense of the gas fittings and boarding up the gates, be borne by the Commissioners.
Nov 12th 1859: APPOINTMENT – Colonel CLIFFORD son of Rear-Admiral Sir Augustus CLIFFORD, has been appointed Yeoman Usher of the Black Rod at the House of Lords.
Nov 19th 1859: ADVERTISEMENT – Seminary, Bank Cottage, High-street, Ryde. Mrs. GILES desires to make known amongst her Friends that she has recently received an acquisition to her Establishment in the engagement of a young lady from the Continent who speaks French with a native accent and begs to recommend the opportunity to any who may wish to acquire a facility in that language.
Nov 26th 1859: THE CEMETERY QUESTION – This much vexed question is again agitated in consequence of a proposition made by Miss PLAYER and Mrs. BRIGSTOCKE to the Ryde Commissioners, of two or more acres of land adjoining the present cemetery for enlargement; the price of the land to be settled by Mr. DASHWOOD, or anyone else the Board chooses to select.
Nov 26th 1859: THE FERRY COMPANY – An addition, if not an improvement, the Ferry Company have lately added to their claims upon the gratitude of the people of Ryde, by erecting on their works a boathouse and a blacksmith shop. What will be the next move!
Nov 26th 1859: EXTENSION TO RYDE PIER – Our townsmen the Messrs. LANGDON are the successful competitors for this extension work. The tenders were very numerous including some of the larger firms. We congratulate Messrs. LANGDON upon their success.
Nov 26th 1859: ENTERTAINMENT – The children of the Catholic Schools at St. Mary’s were provided on Tuesday with an entertainment by the noble foundress. The room was tastefully decorated, and tea, cake, and fruits plentifully distributed, while many of the Gentry belonging to the congregation were present and added to the amusement and joy of the children.
Nov 26th 1859: PEOPLES COLLEGE – This very valuable society will re-open for the winter season on Monday next, and many improvements in its organisation will be introduced. A music class, amongst other things, will be established.
Nov 26th 1859: THE FIRST DRILL – How many more metamorphoses is the Market House to undergo? … is a query which we will leave those whose prophesy either before or after events to foretell, but we venture to say its last change is its best, for it makes a first rate drill ground. On Monday evening at 6pm the first squad took up positions under Sergeant Major MCGROTTY of the Rifle Brigade.