November 1868
Isle of Wight Observer:
Nov 7th 1868: BOAT SWAMPED – Mr. William NEWMAN, painter, sustained a very severe loss owing to the roughness of the weather. He had been to Hythe to fetch his furniture, which he was removing in a boat belonging to Richard BARKHAM, a fisherman of Binstead. In attempting to run for the slipway, a squall seized it, which filled with water and sank immediately. The crew were picked up by the pilotboat “Fawn” and a greater portion of the furniture is gone. A petition has been got up to aid him in obtaining furniture.
Nov 14th 1868: RACES AT ASHEY DOWN – A handicap race took place at Ashey down, on Thursday afternoon, in presence of a large number of spectators; the prize being a meerchaum pipe, presented by Mr. A. ELLIS, with five sovs. added, which was won by Long Tom.
Nov 14th 1868: FASHIONABLE GATHERING – On Tuesday evening last Mr. and Mrs. Vivian WEBBER, of Chatham House, St. John’s, gave a grand ball and supper at the Town-hall, which had been most tastefully arranged with mirrors, flags, and evergreens for the occasion. About 200 ladies and gentlemen responded to the invitation. It was in every respect a brilliant success. Mr. TARGETT’s quadrille band, from Southampton, were in attendance. Their programme giving the greatest satisfaction. The supper refreshment department was entrusted to the able management of Mrs. BRADING, of the Masonic-hall.
Nov 14th 1868: ELECTION OF MAYOR – Alderman THURLOW rose, and said that a very pleasing duty devolved on him—a duty which he had accepted with great pride, for he had to bring forward the name of the gentleman for the responsible office of Mayor of the borough. He alluded to Mr. Alderman Thomas DASHWOOD (applause). The proposition needed no eulogy from him, that gentleman having served the town for many years with honour to himself and the community at large. more about Thomas Dashwood here
Nov 14th 1868: ADVERTS – PARSONS & SAUNDERS, Builders and Contractors, 7 Star-street, Ryde. Jobbing in all branches, Estimates for work in every description of building; J. HUTCHINGS, Upholsterer, Cabinet Maker, Undertaker, Painter, Glazier, and House Decorator, Binstead, I.W.. All orders promptly attended to.
Nov 14th 1868: £10 REWARD – The Directors of the Ryde Gas Light Company are prepared to pay the aforesaid reward to any person giving information leading to the conviction of any offender or offenders found wilfully breaking the glass or otherwise damaging the street lamps in the Town of Ryde.
Nov 21st 1868: ACTRESS – Miss Lydia HOWARD, the little fairy actress, who has created such a wonderful sensation in Portsmouth, will appear at the Victoria-rooms on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings next. We advise all our readers to visit this perfect little genius.
Nov 21st 1868: MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS – The cause of order and progress has again triumphed. The day appointed for filling up the vacancies occasioned by the elevation of Messrs. Thos. DASHWOOD, THURLOW, and HARRINGTON to the Aldermanic Bench for the West Ward and Messrs. PAUL, FAIRALL, and James DASHWOOD for the East Ward. The burgesses had been dosed with more than the usual amount of misrepresentation and scurrility all to no purpose.
Nov 28th 1868: THE WEATHER – Seldom have we witnessed such a November as the month now closing, which is, unfortunately, notorious for gales and fogs. We are rapidly approaching the dreary days of December, with far less of this class of calamities than usual.
Nov 28th 1868: CHURCH OF THE HOLY TRINITY – On Sunday last three sermons were preached by the Lord Bishop of Honolulu on behalf of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts and the Hawaiian Mission. The collections amounted to £27.0s.6d. £5 of the sum were a special offering from a lady visitor, to be continued annually for the Hawaiian Mission in the Sandwich Islands.