November 1869
Isle of Wight Observer:
Nov 6th 1869: ST. MICHAEL’S SWANMORE – On Saturday last a very splendid processional cross, manufactured by Messrs. HARDMAN and Co., of Birmingham, of a most elegant design and studded with 116 stones (presented by lady members of the congregation), consisting of 64 diamonds, eight corals, eight crystals, six onyx, 10 malachites, and 19 amethysts; the centre being a large amethyst, was presented to the Vicar of St. Michael’s, together with an address, beautifully illuminated on vellum.
Nov 6th 1869: “LOVE, COURTSHIP, AND MARRIAGE” – A lecture on this very interesting subject was given at the Town-hall, on Thursday evening, by the Rev H. G. BUTTON, of Yeovil (formerly of Ryde).
Nov 6th 1869: ROYAL I.W. INFIRMARY – The annual general meeting of governors was held at the Infirmary on Wednesday last, and it was stated, “so great has been the recent demand for admission that it has been found absolutely necessary to add two beds.”
Nov 6th 1869: OLD MASTERS – During the past week we inspected a few old paintings, the private collection of a gentleman, and as far as our own ideas enable us to judge there can be little doubt of their antiquity and originality. One of them particularly, by the texture of the canvas alone would indicate it to be of the 15th century.
Nov 13th 1869: GUY FAWKES’ DAY – Friday, being the anniversary of this worthy’s feats, the mob again took advantage of the custom to dress themselves in hideous disguises and parade the town with torches, to the annoyance of all respectable inhabitants. No damage was done.
Nov 20th 1869: RYDE MARKET – Provided for the public accommodation seems to find but little favour in the eyes of the public, as up to this time most of the shops remain closed. Probably if the Market Committee invited shopkeepers to occupy for the first 12 months free of rent, it would give it a lively appearance, and show a greater variety of goods, which may be the means of attracting the public to the spot.
Nov 20th 1869: FASHIONABLE INTELLIGENCE – Capt. GARLAND and family have removed from Clarence House, to The Promontory, Strand; Mr. and Mrs. PAKENHAM MAHON have left their residence for Brighton; Miss BROMFIELD has returned to Stanley House, for the winter; Col. and the Misses CORFIELD have arrived at Devonshire House, St. Thomas’s-street.
Nov 20th 1869: LITERATURE – We have received with great pleasure a beautiful little volume of poems, entitled “Manxland” from the pen of the highly-gifted Miss COOKSON. There is a brightness running through the whole, like sunbeams on a cluster of gems leaving their brilliant hues on the mirror of memory for ever. At one calculated to elevate the mind of age and enchant the fancy of youth.
Nov 20th 1869: PETTY SESSIONS – John KNAPTON was charged by Henry WHITHINGTON of the Atlantic publichouse, with being drunk and disorderly and refusing to leave. The defendant began to make a great noise in such a manner as to disturb all who were there, and said he would not go without some beer…… Defendant was fined 2s. 6d., and costs.
Nov 27th 1869: NEW POUND – The Mayor brought up a report, to purchase a piece of land within the limits of the borough for the purpose of a pound for stray animals, and may erect a pound thereon. The committee, therefore, recommend that a pound be erected on a portion of the land leased to the Corporation for the police station, and that they (the committee) be authorised to invite tenders.
Nov 27th 1869: GEORGE STREET CHAPEL SCHOOL – The event of the School Anniversary, always a pleasing one, took place on Thursday evening, at the Town-hall, where an excellent tea was provided, of which about 200 persons partook. A public meeting succeeded the tea, at which the Rev. George Allen COLTART presided.