November 1910
November 1910 – 100 Years Ago
Isle of Wight Observer
Nov 5th 1910: BILLIARDS – A match of 1,500 up will be played at the Bodega, Ryde on Saturday November 19th at 3pm and 8pm, between Tom REECE, the celebrated professional and a well-known local amateur, the former conceding 500 start. Admission will be free by ticket.
Nov 5th 1910: RYDE EDUCATION COMMITTEE – The School Management Committee report that they had purchased a piano for the boys’ department, Ryde Church of England School, of Mr. TEAGUE, Union-street, Ryde, for the sum of £15.15s. The Chairman said most of the schools had been supplied with musical instruments. This school had been waiting for some.
Nov 5th 1910: LACKING – The only thing wanted now is a covered riding school where the members of the Artillery could be thoroughly trained in riding.
Nov 5th 1910: RYDE RELIEF SOCIETY – Though one of the oldest of Ryde’s institutions, for it has attained the age of 70 years, it is still continuing its valuable work amongst the poor of the town. Friends of the Society are invited to send contributions to the hon treasurer, Mr. G. R. BRIGSTOCKE, 10 The Terrace, or to the hon secretary, Mr. J. TOMS, Lytchette Villa, Pellhurst-road.
Nov 12th 1910: POPULAR CONCERT – There was again a very large audience at the Popular Concert on Monday, though not quite so many as the last occasion. The vocalist was Miss Adelaide RIND, who has appeared before Ryde audiences on several previous occasions.
Nov 12th 1910: CONSECRATION – The Consecration of a portion of the new cemetery at Ashey will be performed on Sunday afternoon at 2.30 by the Bishop of Southampton.
Nov 12th 1910: CHARITY DANCE – The promoters of the annual charity dance have arranged to hold it on Friday December 9th. In previous years the proceeds have been expended in purchasing boots for children, but this year it is proposed to open a soup kitchen at the Salvation Army Barracks to distribute soup twice a week to poor people.
Nov 19th 1910: ECLIPSE OF THE MOON – Though the sky was partially obscured by the light clouds on Wednesday evening, people living in Ryde had a grand view of the total eclipse of the moon. At least those who ventured out into the frosty air did, but the event did not appear to attract very much attention.
Nov 19th 1910: FIRE BRIGADE – The Corporation are seeking applicants for the post of Superintendent to the Ryde Fire Brigade, which has been rendered vacant by the resignation of Mr. SAPSWORTH.
Nov 19th 1910: FOOD & TRADES EXHIBITION – On Tuesday a mountain of packing cases was dumped down in front of the Town Hall, and on Wednesday it became a Food and Trades Exhibition, which has been thronged with people ever since. The large hall contained a number of stalls, on each of which either novelties or well-known articles are exhibited. The exhibition is held for the purpose of bringing articles of daily use before the public, and practically demonstrating the advantages of up-to-date food preparation.
Nov 19th 1910: MARINE DRIVE FROM RYDE TO SEAVIEW – A resolution had been passed that it was desirable that a road should be made between Ryde Esplanade and Springvale, and they had been informed by the Town Council that the War Office had agreed to lease a piece of land rent for the purpose of completing the road. Mr. HAYDEN thought the Committee ought to have found out from the Ryde Town Council the exact terms on which the road could be constructed.